Vortec Controller Release

this guy said he turned one off and still got one, just smaller, so probably so...im still hoping i can get it going on my 180 with 2, although i am still leary about flow...
saw this on reefcentral mod drivers for aquasurf on sale

Anybody get their $50 dollars back. I sent mine in and have not heard back yet
I was looking at that video. That is so cool. I have a 120 and one Vortec. I just got the wave driver installed yesterday, but with only one there is not that wave affect. I just have it on the random reef setting, I think's it's yellow. I also have a Coralia 3 and a Seio 1500 in there. I would like to get another Vortec to be the slave, but so much money!

i know it seems like i was just talking about how expensive these pumps were and now i have 2 lol/ oh i just ordered my wwd upgrades cant wait!
mine just got shipped out yestraday. will post video as soon as i get it setup. debating on weather i should just buy my friend vortech and have two in my tank or not.