I have eggs Finally!!!!

@dahenley wrote:
so yours started hatching after 4 days? my black clowns just laid eggs today!! and i want to see if mine will hatch in tank llike yours! (is there a difference between black clowns and the black clowns with orange face like yours?) this is soo cool! are you doing photo in your tank said:
They hatched on the night of the 9th day. Their eyes turned really silver so I knew it was almost time.

The pair I have were from a former member Ted and he sold them as one black and one orange but I was lucky and ended up with the two turning black. So they are a morph from a black and orange clown I am guessing.

I am picking up some rotifers tomorrow afternoon and I tried to get what I could see swimming in the water last night into the rearing tank with them to hold them over. When all the lights are off you can see all kinds of critters swiming around the light.

Good luck with yours and keep us updated.
so they hatched in the tank, and you siphoned them out so you could feed them?
just trying to understand. (my wife is out of town, and it would be sweet if they hatched)

i havent read up on this, but i now you need green water and rotifers.. (green to feed the rotifers, and rotifers to feed the fish)
if you dont mind me asking, where did you get yoru rotifers.
@dahenley wrote:
so they hatched in the tank said:
I did siphon them out of the tank into the other tank. I had put a little water in the bottom so they would not hit just the glass that they would stay in the water the whole time. I had a little LED light about a foot to the left of where the eggs were shining down in the water. They will swim towards the light. I found I had to get a siphon going then stop the end that way I could get the hose near them. I tried just moving it towards them and they feel the water I guess and take off. They are quick. Good luck with your.

Order the 1 million count rotifers and a liter bag of Nanno or Rotigrow Plus.

http://www.rotifer.com/ -- good instructions on Small Systems culture
I picked up the rotifers today and brought them home to add to the 4 I had. Well they all are dead. So I cut the terracotta pot yesterday and I decided I should place it in there so that in the next couple of weeks when they decide to lay more eggs I might be able to get more fry. Well a day late and a dollar short as the saying goes...................

@fperkins wrote:
http://www.reedmariculture.com/order_form.html Order the 1 million count rotifers and a liter bag of Nanno or Rotigrow Plus. http://www.rotifer.com/ -- good instructions on Small Systems culture said:
Thanks Frank...........there is a lot of good info out there and any help from someone who has raised clowns is very much welcomed [smilie=wink.gif]
Well so far the third set of eggs should hatch tonight or tomorrow and I am batting 0 out of ??? (Not sure how many I have had hatch) survive. I will try again and have been reading a lot up on rearing them and have too good cultures of rotifers going so we will see what this one holds.
Well here is the latest update on my 6th clutch of egg to fry. I am on day 9 and have 25 fry in the tank and have lost 15 in the first few days. There are some that have doubled in size and some still smaller than the others but hanging in there. I have kept a good amount of rotifers in the tank for them and starting them on BB and flake foods. Here is a video not all the good of quality because they are camera shy right now but I am making progress in raising them.

cool beans!! Its hard to tell from the vid but have the gone thru meta yet? any head stripes? 9 days is pretty far along from what I read
Some of them have.........I waould say 75% have the stripe and it is cute [smilie=nerd.gif]
Very cool, Lance. I'm envious. I'm still taking things slow on my end and have let another clutch of eggs go. However, the rotifers you gave me last week have taken off and I've got two nice and dense cultures now. I'll be ready for the next batch!
You will be there soon enough David [smilie=wink.gif]

I am still holding at about 25 fry and most have morphed and started taking on their stripes and are looking great as far as I can tell. Going to buy some more brine shrimp eggs as the ones I had did not open. I have been feeding them rotifers and frozen BB and some Reed Mariculture TDO-B1 Top Dressed Otohime 200 to 360 um. I took another video and you can see some of the fry really well and the colors of the fore band and one or two have a slight second band starting. I am really starting to enjoy this and know it would be fun to learn on other breeds and how hard it really is to get them to full grow out stage but I am almost two weeks in and have more than 60% survival rate this go round. I know 60% does not sound like a lot but going from having one live for 7 days to 25 for almost 2 weeks is a giant step for me.

Everyone who has offered help and advice thank you so much. Will update in a couple of days how they are doing.

They are doing good......I did kill one when I was cleaning the tank but other than that I still have over 20+ of the little fellas swimming around in the tank. Most have their first stripe and a few are working on the second stripe. Looking like mini me's except the parents are not orange like they are. I will try and get some pictures tonight once I get home and post them.
Here is a quick video of them at feeding time. I will try and get some pictures of them but they are still camera shy.


Also the Albino Cory cats in my FW tank that laid eggs also had one survivor that I know of as I saw him last night. I thought it was one of the guppies flopping around on the bottom of the tank and it was a small Cory cat. I thought none of the eggs hatched but I was wrong.