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  1. D

    LPS tissue recession and shy zoas - Parameters are great

    So, I have noticed that my wall hammer coral has a decent amount of tissue recession around its edges all of a sudden, and I just noticed that my candycanes are showing tissue death, as well. Both these corals have not been moved since putting them in the tank quite some time ago... I've also...
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    Helfrich's firefish hiding

    I picked up a Helfrichi firefish on Thursday. The LFS got him in and gave me a call. I came right over and they kept him in the shipping bag for me so he wouldn't have to go through any unnecessary acclimation to their tank. He seemed really healthy, and the only thing I noticed about him was...
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    Please help me identify this thing on my octospawn!

    Alright, so I've been trying to figure out what's growing on my octospawn, and I just can't seem to ID this thing... It is a semi-circular growth that seems to be "soft" compared to the hard skeleton of the branching octospawn. You can actually see it swell and contract over time. It...
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    Help! Helfrich's firefish in hypo seems to be dying!

    I purchased a Helfrich's firefish about a week and a half ago from Mid-Cities Aquariums. He looked fine at the time, but upon getting him home, I noticed some ich spots under the lights. I put him (along with my 2 clownfish) in a 10-gallon QT and slowly dropped the salinity down over 36 hours...
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    LED Lighting Recommendation

    I have a 30 gallon DT (36"x12"x16.5" WxDxH). Currently, I have a 3-strip LED fixture sitting on it. My lights are all 36" Reefbrite XHO strips (2 full blue and 1 full white). Each strip has 30 1.5W CREE LEDs in it (they are actually 3W LEDs, but they are only driven to 1.5W). I'm using the...
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    My Advice for Saltwater Newbies

    As a newer reefer, I am well aware of how overwhelming this hobby may initially seem to a beginner. I learn new things about reefkeeping everyday, and I thought it might be nice to share a few simple pieces of advice based on my own experiences that I feel would be beneficial to those who are...
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    Hammer Coral Extension

    Alright, so I'm looking for some opinions on this one... I have a neon green hammer coral, and I've had it in the tank for about 3 weeks now. Originally, the coral looked like this most of the time, when the lights were on: alt=""> (This pic was taken when only the blue lights were on...
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    How Do YOU Use Your Test Kit Syringe?

    I thought it would be interesting to bring up a topic that we're all familiar with -- test kits. Each test begins the same way: you fill up your vial/bottle with a given volume of tank water, right? But interestingly enough, I have yet to see a set of test kit instructions that tell you how...
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    Great Android App

    I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before, but I just wanted to tell people about an awesome Android app called Aquarimate. I believe it is quite similar to the iPhone app Aquaplanner. It's basically an all-in-one app for saltwater aquarium maintenance scheduling and logging. It has an...
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    B-Ionic Dosage

    I'm planning on dosing my tank with B-Ionic, so I took some readings in my tank, and it looks like my alkalinity is around 7-7.5 dKH, while my calcium is right around 400 ppm. I'd like to bring my alkalinity up a little bit. Should I use the alkalinity part of the B-Ionic system by itself to...
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    Montipora Frag Color Return

    I purchased an absolutely beautiful frag of encrusting montipora a few days ago. At the LFS, the frag had bright hot pink skin and green polyps. I acclimated the frag and placed it in my tank, and it basically looked like a little brown/grey blob. Later that evening, the green polyps came out...
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    Thermometer Frustration

    Ever since I built my tank, I've had a JW magnetic thermometer in it, which tells me that the water is right at around 79.5 or 80 degrees F. I was pleased with this, and everything seemed fine in the tank. However, I recently acquired a Milwaukee pH meter, and while I was taking my pH reading...
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    Is my scarlet hermit dead?

    I noticed the other day that one of my new scarlet hermits was just sitting in a spot behind a piece of rock, not moving. I didn't think anything of it because I know they sometimes just sit around, but after another day, I checked on him and couldn't see his legs at all. I thought he might have...
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    What's this spot between my clown's pelvic fins?

    I have a pair of Ocellaris clowns, and I noticed something about them that I considered odd... It's really hard to see, but when the larger of the two swims upward, I can see a little patch between her pelvic fins that almost looks like salt and pepper or sand under her skin. It can only be...
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    pH Question

    I have a 30 gallon AIO tank that has just finished cycling to the point where I feel it is safe to add my first fish (ammonia and nitrite are at 0 ppm and nitrate is within the acceptable range). My salinity is at 1.026, the temperature stays at a constant 79.5 degrees, and alkalinity is at 9.5...
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    Local Retailer for Maxspect LEDs?

    Hey guys! I was wondering if anyone knows of a local shop that sells Maxspect Razor (R420R) LEDs... I live in the Fort Worth area, but I'm willing to drive out to Dallas and the surrounding areas. I know most stores can special order them, but I'd like to go see one in person before buying...
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    David's 30 Gallon AIO Nano/Micro Reef Build

    Hey guys! My name is David, and I live in the west Fort Worth area. This will be my first post here, as I'm new to the forums. I plan on joining DFWMAS soon, as well. I'm relatively new to saltwater aquariums, having only had some experience with 1 other tank that I ran with my father when I...