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    Vortech's night mode - do you use it ?

    Do you use it? I don't currently, but am thinking about it ... Thanks for you input, Tag
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    cleaner shrimp and iodine

    What is the consensus on dosing Iodine supplement in your reef? I know they say it helps with molting, but are you using a Iodine supplement? Thanks, Tag
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    RoboSnail 2

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    RO/DI Troubleshooting help needed

    Can someone give me some ideas on trying to correct my RO/DI system..... My TDS reading was 8 so I changed ALL of my filters minus RO membrane ---- 1 sediment, 2 carbons, and 1 DI (horizontal type). All filters were sealed new, but I have had them for four years setting in the closet. After...
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    PH probes - Usage ?

    I have been using Neptune's "standard grade" PH probes for along time now with a ACIII, but I have never seen any conversation about probe handling. I would like to see what other people are doing, so that I can set some guide lines for myself. A few question that I have been wondering about...
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    Do you want to know how tough majano is ?

    This has been sitting in a salt bucket in my backyard for two weeks now, with no circulation, through the rain, and the heat. And its still open and alive... :? talk about tough stuff........... alt="">
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    Input on a tank cycling

    I need some input on a tank cycling? I have a 120 with about a 40 gallon sump, but with the rock displacement (100lbs) total water volume is 133 gallons. History: 24 may - added dried macro rock, with 73 gallons of fresh salt mix and 60 gallons of used tank water from my 80 gallon - no sand...
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    Your thoughts on a skimmer..

    I am getting ready to shutdown my 80, and setup a 120. I am going to use my ASM G2 temporary until I get a better skimmer, but its next to upgrade. Total water volume is approx 150 gallons. I don't mind spending money, but I want the performance to match the cost. I need your experience...
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    Acrylic sump ?

    I am getting ready to build a sump for my new system, and need some input from the mas... I am making three smaller tanks joined by bulkheads to create the sump. One for the drain&skimmer, one refugium, and one return. The biggest of the three will be approx 15Wx20Lx17H. Question I have is -...
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    Dart pump w/Baldor motor ?

    The old style motor ran about 160watts. Does anyone know if that has changed with the newer Baldor motor its using now? thanks in advance,
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    120 upgrade - progress 6/17/9

    My 80 has been running for two years now, and there are things that I like, and things I dislike about it. So I will be correcting some issues to try and make the 120 as easy as possible to maintain, and work on. I already have the tank "AGA 120 RR" 4xx2x2. This is going to be a slow build...
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    Aquarium 3D backgrounds

    Aquarium 3D backgrounds.. very pricey, but attractive in my opinion One of the dealers: Mother site:
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    $2.00 fish trap

    This is for those of you that dont ever make it over to RC. This guy posted what I thought was a VERY simple, but affected fish trap that anyone could make. Thought it maybe useful here, also............ Link:
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    Canopy Lift Project

    I may have to concedere getting this for my new build: Watch the video.... :shock: Simply awesome
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    External pump for 120 brick

    The upgrade has started..... I have everything planned out, but need some input on the return pump. Tank is 48x24x24 dual returns. I want to feed the return lines, and plum my chiller in the return also so I can remove the chiller pump. The chiller needs between 135-790 gph, and I may concedure...
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    Need help with button polyps

    These things are growing @ an explosive rate and are begining to take over. Aside from removing the rock, is there a way to kill/remove these from my tank? Joes juice? Can I frag in my display? I am a firm believer of "let nature be", but these are ridiculus :evil: Need your help, Tag
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    Medicine of choice for Pop-Eye ?

    My male clarkii has developed pop-eye, I believe its from aggression from the female. I have had him for almost 2 years, and no new additions since the last year. I started to notice it on friday - it is @ day six now, and it is only with one eye and is clear. I have read from the board, that as...
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    DIY Calcium reactor and/or second chamber

    I made a secound chamber for my reactor, I got the idea from here: There is also a thread for a DIY kalk reactor, using the same parts. But I didnt bookmark that one.. :cry: But you should get the idea.
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    Anybody here using Caribsea A.R.M media

    If so, Where do you keep your effluent PH at ? :?: The box says set reactor @ 7.5, But common is 6.5-7.0 - just wondering because I could not find a PDF on it....
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    Co2 Regulator - solenoid ?

    Noobie question: I have a brand new regulator from AquariumPlants and being this my first reactor I have no background knowledge to compare this question on, But when I plug in the soleniod, it fuctions - but I noticed it gets really hot to the touch . Is this normal :?: