Premium Member
Hello,I am ready to add more fish, but I’m having trouble deciding what to add, so I’m hoping some of you might have some good suggestions. I’ve been considering a starry or lawnmower blenny, neon gobies, a court jester goby, and, for something more showy, a flasher wrasse or two. What else should I consider? Please note that I like my clam, shrimp, and the other little critters, so I don’t want anything that might eventually look at those as snacks. Here’s my current setup:
- Tank: 65 gallons + sump with CaribSea Special Grade sand (probably 2 inches deep)
- 2 ocellaris clownfish
- 1 purple firefish
- 1 emerald crab and a few hermits
- 1 cleaner shrimp
- 1 derasa clam
- 1 open brain coral
- 1 blastomussa
- 1 small birdsnest
- Several rocks covered in zoas and mushrooms
- Assorted smaller frogspawn, hammer, and torch corals