Hair Algae

Too much nutrients in the tank not enough nutrient export.

Sea hares will eat gha if it's not too tall. Make sure it's gha not bryopsis.

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How do you decrease nutrients and increase nutrient export- how can you tell the difference between gha and bryopsis
You decrease nutrients by feeding less. As far as increasing nutrient export.... how often do you do water changes, and what percentage of water do you change? Do you run a skimmer?, do you have any macro algae like chaeto or dragons breath?, do you use filter socks and if so, how often do you change them?
You also need to consider you bio load vs. the amount of biological filtration you have in your system.
Just make sure you don't remove too much nutrients if you have softies or you run the risk of starving them like I did awhile back :( I have a lot of hermit crabs and between them and my tangs my algae is in check.
I'm surprised no one asked if ro/di water was being used. If it is, then they are right about increasing nutrient export

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