Da eard is flat!

Wait long enough and the circle closes?http://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-schlarmann/betsy-devos-orders-immediate-flattening-of-all-school-globes_b_14639376.html
This is obviously satire, but it goes directly to the state of where we are living in our minds. Science is treated with respect, while our Creator is, at best, always left to play second fiddle, so to speak. And anyone that Has Him/They in their minds as THE Source of facts is satired/vilified/effigied/murdered with the tongue, etc.,. ad infinitum. When the globes really get flattened, most will find themselves not so much the enlightened ones that they suppose themselves right now. For the time being, though, since this is all they have, and since verifiable, repeatable experimentation/observation cannot bear out a ball earth, and/or some of the accepted foundational theories of modern science, such as gravity, most will continue to make those that give our Maker even the slightest respect concerning science/creation the butt of their jokes.? It's always been this way. And it won't be for much longer anyway.It is interesting to note that associating someone with flat earth is supposed to be the ultimate, mass meme insult to a person's intelligence. Numbers of adherents ascribed to a viewpoint does not validate that viewpoint. Lemmings agree to kill themselves en masse.If one of you real smart people can look at the last video I posted, and explain how the horizon always rises to eye level on a sphere, I would sure like to hear about it! How do you convince yourself to believe you are on a ball while looking at an eye level horizon? Please share!??
If one of you real smart people can look at this video, and explain how the horizon always rises to eye level on a sphere, I would sure like to hear about it! How do you convince yourself to believe you are on a ball while looking at an eye level horizon? Please share!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1X_Tw27wWv0?If you stop, and look at the screen shots in this short video, you will find lots of information.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEm91zxBaa4?And in this video, someone has taken the time to do some measurements in Australia. Is it bigger than is projected on the globe map? It appears to be.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBZaXSjEYwk
Posted by: DFW?This site is so counter intuitive in it's design that I doubt it will draw many into using it said:
This is the ONLY (and only non-batcrap-crazy) thing you've said that I agree with. Everything else you've stated makes me think it's about time the folks with nice white jackets with lots of straps swing by for a visit and a talk with you. But yes, this site design is one of the least intuitive and poorly designed I've ever used.?
There are too many "makers".Buddha (as part of the myth anyway)?delivered an excellent?response to?an unanswerable question:? ?? http://www.budsas.org/ebud/whatbudbeliev/297.htm
Thanks for reading my thread! And thanks for the standard insulting reply! :) It confirms that what I have stated here likely has merit. If you have a favorite, first hand observation, repeatable experiment that proves the earth a ball shape, or spinning, or moving at millions of miles per hour, or moving even slightly, please share with us, as we are eager to see it. If you have watched the last video that I posted, tell us how the horizon (not curvizon) always rises to eye level, even at 20 miles up. If you have any first hand proof that man went to the moon, please share! The tv show that they showed us does not count. As of right now, all I have seen is, as I said, the standard, insults, the repeating of all the hand me down indoctrination that we all went through in school, but nothing that passes as first hand fact. And I have been looking for it in more than a few places.Thanks for your response! I look forward to seeing your proof for a ball shaped earth!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qRexQDqv14?
When you see a painting, you know that there was a painter. When you see a building, you know there was a builder. Buddha can't be concerned with these simple facts, I guess.
Buddha does not say there wasn't a painter or a builder. He suggest simply enjoying the painting, living in the building, without a whole lot o concern regarding the identity of the creator.? He also notes the painting and building change constantly ( paint fades, collects dirt, concrete ages, birds change the building color, etc. etc.)
But a Builder of this magnitude needs to be considered above all else. It is the Builder's building that we are in, and part of, and so, we need the Builder the same way a Ford car owner needs the manufacturer's maintenance/repair manual, only very much more so. Only the Maker really knows how things that they make work, and work their best. Buddha is just practising avoidance and calling it 'spiritual", in my opinion.
Well, this builder is doing a great job of mimicking a slum-lord (no pun intended) building superintendent ....   you can leave a request for assistance on the ether, but seldom, if ever, does anyone get back to you.  In the off chance one-in-a-millennia someone does, the response is "bite me (but do feel free to keep calling and also depositing your rent check) Who loves ya baby?".    
If someone approaches you for assistance, are they likely to get it if they have a track record of saying you are unfair, and no good? When you approach our Creator, you have to first believe/attribute to Him that He is, and deserves the pre eminence, and then you have to believe/attribute to Him that He is good, and even rewards those that seek Him. How much would one of your children get from you if they came to you with their tongue sticking out at you? It would be a dis service to them to reward that behavior!
It is absolutely amazing that we live in a day when the only "first hand" observations that we have that the earth is spherical is that we have seen pictures from nasa, or that we think we have seen a curve from an airplane. August Piccard went many miles up into the stratosphere in his balloon capsule, and he said of what the earth looked like, "a disc with upturned edges". None of us has been up 14 miles above the earth like him, except military pilots/"astronauts" who are sworn to obey orders of any kind. Piccard was an independent scientist working prior to the military takeover of "space" by nasa. Were we ever taught anything in school about Piccard? No. We were pointed to a globe from kindergarten, or before, and told to accept it as fact with no confirmation by reproducible testing, measuring, or even observation. In school, if you were good at memorizing what they told you, you got the good grades, and they told you what they were told without any verification process either.I have run into several persons that think I am deceived in my "blind" faith in my Creator. I believe the Bible accounts to be His very word, and I purpose to learn how to live by them. But here they are, considering themselves to be very enlightened because they believe nasa. They have no first hand knowledge, and completely depend on nasa to tell them what reality is. This is every bit as faith based as believing the scriptures! It's just different "gods" - gravity, the sun, the moon, the stars, self, "science". Please don't tell me that I must be anti science. Real science does real things that help real people in this real earth! And we all see, and experience the many advances that real science has brought us. It does not, however, invent theoretical models, and then present them as fact to gain political, military, and monetary power over the masses.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaqY9abENec
I have seen this video before. They are manipulating this "experiment" to bolster their bogus argument for curvature.Simply take a canon p900 camera out to the ocean, and when a ship disappears, zoom in with the camera until you can see it again. It will be many miles away before it gets beyond the vanishing point of human eyesight aided by the camera. At 10 miles away there should be 60 feet of drop on this supposed ball earth. You will easily see beyond 10 miles with the zoom lens, and see hull, and all of that distant boat.Go back up in an airliner, and take note that the horizon, not called the "curvizon", for good reason, is always at eye level. Any "planet" that has a 60 foot average drop of curve over 10 miles in every direction away from someone standing on that "planet" would certainly require a person at 40,000 feet above that "planet" to look downward to see it's horizon. You can see much further away at that height, and therefore there would be a much greater drop seen over that distance, making it a greater distance downward to that horizon. But it is not that way in our experience, is it? We are seeing it at eye level no matter how high up we go_Once again, if you can see 245 miles in every direction from a height of 40,000 feet above the earth, the curvature downwards would be about 40,000 feet in every direction from the spot on the earth directly beneath you. That would place the horizon at about 80,000 feet lower than you in that airplane. That is 15 miles lower than the "at eye level" we experience! I have to go with my experience on this way before an experiment done by someone else. By the way, water is level everywhere I have ever been. I have never seen water curving down to my right, and left, but we always here about it curving down away from us. If it curves away from us, then it has to curve to the right, and left of us as well!Thanks for the feedback! 
Mr. Perkins, or anyone else, I'd love to hear about how you explain seeing the horizon at eye level when at 40,000 feet! I would also love to hear about how you explain being able to see the hull of a boat at over 10 miles away with a zoom camera! I am anxious to see the error of my ways, but none have presented any explanation for these things! Here are my calculations for the previous comments that I've made:curvature of our said globe earth = 8" X distance in miles squared                                                       8" X (10 X 10) = 800" = 66.66'                                                       8" X (245 X 245) = 480200" = 40016.66'                                                       80,000'/ 5280' = 15.15 miles