Da eard is flat!

Posted by: integra3g?[quote="[denying the possibility outright with eyes closed tight to any new information.] said:
You forget that I have seen what I consider proof with?my own eyes. ?I saw first hand video from a weather balloon that clearly shows the curvature of the Earth. ?Maybe someday we will all be able to go up and see.
[It obviously means "the earth". I don't think that there is any confusion about that.] said:
Obviously there was confusion about this until I read your entire post. ?I skimmed past it a few times before I became curious about what reef item was flat."]
This is weird, but interesting.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fDdEJrWowohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIlL63xt-tYIn the following video, Admiral Byrd, a very famous American explorer, tells us that "On the other side of the south pole from Little America, there is a continent the size of the United States that has never been seen by man." Little America is the name of one of the Antarctic base camps used by his expedition. If what he said here is true, then where is that continent? On a sphere earth it would have to be in the ocean surrounding Antarctica opposite that base camp. But it's not there, or at least, it has not been shared with us that it is there. Is he a reliable source, or some nut?On a plane earth it could be a land mass in an ocean that is beyond the Antarctic ice ring. Since we are not likely to go there anyway, and the few that are allowed to go are military/government approved, we would not necessarily be told about it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czW0iRJuH1A
Am I really expected to go on believing that these stars are trillions, and even quadrillions of miles away when you can video them with a 60X zoom camera? Pleeeease! I may be slow, but I am catching on! A camera can only magnify what you already see with your eyes, and you do not see anything trillions of miles away!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdNFo5eWf9g
And how do you explain that the horizon always comes up to eye level, even at 200,000 feet on a balloon? It comes up to eye level because the plane extends out beyond our ability to see. Were this a ball with a 3,959 mile radius, one would see the horizon drop further downward while ascending upward. The radius of the earth is only supposed to be 3,959 miles. Above a ball that size, at 200,000 feet, you would never see a horizon that always rises to eye level. It would be impossible. Any curve on a ball this size would be very dramatic from 200,000 feet. But alas, when someone says that they saw the curve, if it was not through a distorted glass window, they describe a barely discernible curve as a rule, not the curve one would see on a 3959 mile radius ball. Or, they point to the horizons like the one seen on the red bull parachute jump that vacillated between completely flat, and having so much curve that the state below him must have encompassed this side of the globe all by itself.? ?"]
How is it that you want real proof and when we give it?from our own eyes, you shoot it down with a random YouTube video? ?You know that not everything on YouTube is fact and unless you are the originator of all the videos, they don't prove anything. ?I can show you a YouTube video of a person charging their phone with a piece of fruit, but we all know it is fake. ?I saw uncut video from a weather balloon that was sent up by a coworker that clearly showed the curvature of the Earth. ?You come back with a random video that shows something different. ?I think you need to go out and make your own videos so that you can truly share your own truths about this world we live in. ?I'm not sure why you seem to want it to be flat.
WellI spent some time reviewing a number of the flat - vs - round ( actually ellipsoid I believe ) websites and find it should? be obvious to even?the most causal researcher the world IS?flat and there must simply be a right wing - left wing - centrist - republican - democrat - communist - socialist - feminist - chauvinist - male - female - searching - american - african - canadian - italian - russian - chinese - indian -? german - english -? french - mormon - jewish - catholic - baptist - muslim - buddhist - taoist - agnostic - atheist - white - black - asian - hispanic - scientists - doctors - engineers - secretaries - janitors - media - cinema - government employees - military industrial?- physicists - chemists - astronomers - lawyers - politicians - dove - hawk - conscientious objector -? ivy league graduate?- state college graduate - high school graduate - grade school graduate - dropouts -? tuned out - rich - poor - middle class? - .....? plot to deceive.????? ( my apologies to anyone employed in any capacity?in the field of space exploration, satellite build / launch, astronomy, etc.?who are insulted because I failed to include your team in the list of folks?LYING to everyone who can't get a ride on a spaceship to verify the truth? ( although given the number of videos I watched of missiles slamming into the "dome over the earth" I can't imagine why anyone would even want to take that ride)).However, I do believe at least one of you millions of people?working in these fields for many many years should get honest with the public and tell us the truth.?? (personal opinion is at least ONE of these people with credibility based on experience?would have already stepped up and leaked this to?someone with ACTUAL IRREFUTABLE PROOF we have been lied to for a very long time).?We CAN handle it!!Maybe one of the Russians will check Hillary's server cause?there HAS to be?some mention of it in there?somewhere.Please do provide a detailed?explanation of WHY you?ALL wanted us to believe the world is round.?Would it really have?made a damn bit of difference had we all grown up thinking the world is flat??I can't fathom how thinking it is round versus knowing it is flat proves or disproves the value of hedonism over belief in God (the reason proposed in a number of these sites? .. if the world is FLAT the bible is somehow "more true"; can't have anyone believing that!!).Whatever, I would just really like to?know the?reason you all got together to make up this LIE and have continued to feed us BS for a few hundred years with no leaks?!!!???? (yes, I am discounting all of the flat earthers as I did not find any astronauts supporting their claim;?? can anyone else REALLY know the truth? ).Perhaps we could all pony up a few dollars to send Kim Jong- un out there (get him a ride on Virgin?Galactic)??with a camera he can't tamper with.? IF we bring him back he will certainly let everyone know if he sees a flat, circular earth racing North at 9.8 m/sec.??
A wide angle lens on a go pro camera is always going to show a curve. It is a product of the lens, as we all know. We saw a curve on the red bull parachute jump that made Arizona look like it was the total land mass of this side of the earth. Obviously a camera lens issue. We see a curve of the earth from supposed iss videos of earth, but parts of the supposed iss station within the frame of the videos are also curved, indicating a camera lens issue.What I may want is of no consequence. I wanted santa claus to be real when I was 4. Having been taught the same things everyone else has been taught, to the exclusion of many facts that were not taught, I am examining new information. I am using my own eyes, and senses. The conclusion that a multitude of things put together, not a few, but a lot, tells me that there is good reason to believe that we have been kept in the dark about where we live, and how things really work here. I have no bias except toward discovering truth. Why do you insist it a sphere? If your friend used a wide angle lens, as is likely the case, that would not be the proof you are looking for.?Can you explain to me how it is that astronomers have been looking at different colored stars for hundreds of years through, and behind the moon? It is historical fact. Does that fit in with what we have been taught? You can see blue sky around, and through the moon on some days. How do you see through the moon if it is something you can land on? How do you see craters on the moon with your eyes if it is 238,000 miles away? Why is it that from that high altitude weather balloon you can see a hot spot on the clouds beneath the sun? Does that jive with what we have been taught? Why does the sun look bigger from a high mountain, or that balloon, than it does from sea level? At 93 million miles away would it change visibly in size by a 20,000 foot difference in perspective? Does that make sense? We don't see these things because we don't put on protective eye wear, and watch the sun, as a rule. I have not. But we are starting to do this kind of stuff. Why must it be a sphere? Because we love our planet, don't we? Don't mess with my planet! Why would someone want to defend something that doesn't make sense? I have done all my life until lately because I accepted second hand information as fact without proof just like everyone else. What else would I do? This is food for thought. Please don't be offended. I may have been born at night, but not last night. If we are moving at an average twirling speed of 574,000 miles per hour, I will eat my hat! And as soon as I see water that does not seek it's own level, I will eat my hat, too.
They used a GoPro to face down and a real camera to face outwards, so no wide angle fish eye business on what I saw. ?The answers are right there in front of you. ?Science explains all of this, but what you are saying is that you don't believe in this science. ?I am sure the majority of the population felt the same as you when all of this was being discovered. ?You can say that the giant lie was the reason why the round Earth stuck, but what if it stuck because it is actually true!If I were to list scientific explanations to explain the stuff you keep bringing up, you would simply say that the science was faked to explain away something we were lied to about. ?I just hate that you keep saying you are using your eyes and senses while you sit at your computer watching YouTube videos created by who knows who. ?There is no reasoning with someone that refuses to believe the scientific truth put in front of them. ?It is obvious your mind will not be changed and neither will mine. ?Maybe one day we will be able to afford a trip off of this planet to see it for ourselves.?I just watched a few of your videos and had a good laugh. ?I can show you a picture of my wife holding her head as I see her through the water in my aquarium. ?I could post it with the title "A woman's head is removable!" and without science, nobody could disprove that it?was untrue. ?There are simple explanations that I am sure a child could pick up on, just from watching. ?I agree it is funny, but so is that photo of my wife.I failed to mention that I worked for a satellite communications company for many years. ?We worked on tracking algorithms for tracking the fast moving satellites (leos) that circle the Earth at a very rapid speed. ?I learned so much about satellites and tracking that there is no doubt in my mind as to what is out there.I hope that more than just the 3 of us are enjoying this out there! ?I really should get some work done! lol
I enjoy your writing style very much!All of space exploration was militarized when nasa took over. They do everything in a compartmentalized fashion, as you well know. They do things so that most won't ever see the whole picture. This is standard procedure with them. You could be at the cape as part of a launch/orbit/landing team, and never know they ditched in the ocean. I mean, when they got to Jupiter with the Juno mission, they heard some tones that confirmed they had got there. How hard would it be to provide the appropriate tones to your team? Ludicrous! Back when they were testing bombs, they had soldiers stacking dynamite in huge stacks near those test sites. They were told that it was for comparison explosion tests. It could have just as easily been for the explosion they were representing as a huge bomb, super weapon. They compartmentalize so you don't know what you are really doing.Quite a few astronots, and others in the space programs, came up dead under very suspicious circumstances. You don't break your vow of silence, and live to tell about it apparently.If you sent someone up on VG, they would simply come right back down. In 50 years, only nasa, and their affiliates in other countries that use their pool training facilities/movie studios have been able to get into orbit. NASA has lost, by the way, the hundreds of reels of tape that had the data for getting to, and from the moon. So, too bad we can't find our way back. But, we've been there, and done that, and we are off to fry bigger fish. That's right, it was all on hundreds of reels of tape in the capsule along with their own dune buggy, and golf clubs. Amazing how much gear you can carry in an area 51 studio! But alas, in the reality that we live in, you cannot even maneuver in a vacuum with thruster rockets because you need an atmosphere to thrust against, much less carry dune buggies, while the passengers go without any oxygen, or bathing, or a place to potty, or cooling. Of course it was good that they had no knowledge of the Van Allen radiation belts back then, so they could whiz back, and forth right through temperatures of thousands of degrees in an aluminum, and plastic can without a hiccup, over, and over again! Absurd!?
I think you might want to do a little research on how rocket propulsion actually works. ?Not that you will believe the science behind it. ?Also might look up how they solved the going to the bathroom situation as well. ?I seem to remember a few hiccups!
Well, if I find out that I am wrong, I will be just as happy as I am now. But I want it to be because it is verifiable, repeatable experimentation, not second hand blow.What you worked on could be applied in more than just the use of satellites, I am sure. I know that a local internet provider - Hughes Net explains their service like this:<ol>[*]A web page request is sent from your computer to a satellite located in space.[*]The satellite contacts the Hughes Network Operations Center (NOC) to find the requested website.[*]The website sends all information back through each channel (from the NOC, to the satellite, to the computer) through your HughesNet<sup>?</sup> dish and modem.</ol>My question is this: Why would you need to go through space if their NOC is just miles down the street, and repeater towers are everywhere? Also, 3 months ago they were explaining this differently. They have changed it since then. They were saying that your computer request was going to their NOC, to the satellite, back to the NOC, and then to your computer. Obviously this explanation instantly tells us that there is no need for a satellite, since the NOC could have everything needed by your request. Also, where are all of these thousands of satellites? I understand that most are launched by third party foreign companies from dis used oil platforms on the open sea. Isn't that sweet! How would we know? Isn't it strange that they are launching all these satellite rockets successfully, placing them in orbit where they don't crash into each other, but not one independent rocket company can get into orbit? And when the iss was showing what they referred to as "footage of the earth", why did none of those thousands of satellites ever appear near by? Why instead do we see bubbles rising from space suits during space walks? When they train in pools with movie studio quality cameras right there, what am I supposed to think when a real space walk has bubbles rising off their suits? They never have panned the cameras on a space walk to where you see 360. That they have a green screen behind, and a studio ceiling with lights that have to be kept out of the frames is a natural conclusion. Walt Disney worked closely with nasa in the beginning. Was he an astrophysicist, or a film maker?Things like this give me pause. I am a sceptic when things don't seem to add up right. It is not just one thing, but a myriad of things like this that do not add up. But, if you could explain a local hot spot on the clouds under a 93 million mile away sun, I would likely change my mind. Eratosthenes based his determination of the diameter of the earth on what he considered fact, that the sun rays were all coming in at the same vector from millions of miles away, not converging to where they would make a local hot spot down here. Of course, if you take his same data, and instead assume a flat plane model, you would determine the sun to be 62 miles up. How could he come up with a triangle that shows a 61.775 mile high sun on a plane, but with a 25,000 mile diameter ball it's 93 million miles up? You got me! I think he used some real fuzzy math!http://outreach.as.utexas.edu/marykay/assignments/eratos1.html
I used the satellite ISP when I was younger and they didn't have high speed internet in my area and I can tell you that the data comes in via the satellite dish which is pointed into the sky. ?I have also worked on a system (Wildblue Communications) and have seen how this works. ?The reason for using a satellite and not direct line of sight is because of the amount of people that can see it when it is in space. ?How high would they have to place the other dish so that you could point to it from anywhere? ?It would have to be able to point in all directions at once, so customers all around you could see it. ?See how this would be hard to do? ?Put it in orbit and now everyone can point up to it and you don't have to have wires run out into the country just to serve you up high speed internet ($$$).I visited my sister out in San Diego and was able to see a satellite go by in the clear sky one night. ?I have also seen them as a kid while on a mountain camping in New Mexico. ?They are up there and you can see them. ?It is hard to do in Texas and I was amazed at how many more stars I could see when in San Diego. ?The best has been up in the mountains of eastern Java, Indonesia. ?We stayed overnight in a small village in the clouds (Ngadas) and it was amazing!Mostly likely your hot spot videos have been faked (bet you never thought of that). ?It could just be science in action! ?
[The "hotspot" is simply a specular highlight. It is a perfectly natural Phenomena that happen on any shiny or reflective surface.]Imagine a flashlight perpendicular to the floor said:
You put a lot of trust into YouTube videos that any clown with a camera and video software could put?together to fool people.
Posted by: integra3g?I used the satellite ISP when I was younger and they didn't have high speed internet in my area and I can tell you that the data comes in via the satellite dish which is pointed into the sky. ?I have also worked on a system (Wildblue Communications) and have seen how this works. ?The reason for using a satellite and not direct line of sight is because of the amount of people that can see it when it is in space. ?How high would they have to place the other dish so that you could point to it from anywhere? ?It would have to be able to point in all directions at once said:
You put a lot of trust into YouTube videos that any clown with a camera and video software could put?together to fool people.NASA is making money with their videos, and has gained supreme authority over all the boundaries of our known world, and every higher learning institution. Do you not think it possible that they might use that for selfish purposes, or are they above reproach??"]
?I am not quite getting what you are saying. A hot spot, and a spot light are 2 different things in my thinking. On a globe model, how do you get a hot spot directly beneath the 93 million mile away sun? A 93 million mile sun cannot be a spot light from what I have read, being the sun is vastly bigger than earth in that model, and would send parallel vectors of light.?I looked it up on wikipedia, and I don't know if I am buying that. How shiny is a cloud?"A specular highlight is the bright spot of light that appears on shiny objects when illuminated."
Those were 2 different thoughts that are somewhat related. ?Just quotes I found from people that know more than I do. ?I don't through out a lot of scientific facts because I am not a scientist. ?I (like you) leave that to the smarter folk out there.