curts' 300 gallon StarPhire Glass (96X30X24)

here is a picture of the lights 2X 250 watt MH with aqua maxx 14000 bulbs and coral vew ballast an aqua medic 48 in 8X T5 duel zone with moon LED i have 2 ea of the full spectrum bulbs from blue to purple to actinic white all ranges looks sweet with the 14000k Mh blue.
i am going to test out wich set up i like better the T5 or the MH i will switch out later if cant get sps to take hold, all part of the fun .thanks for looking
thanks for watching i just recived thr baffles from Mark so i can change the layout in my sump as i am running ext skimmer and ext pumps i dont need 3 huge compartments so i am going to make 2 small areas and one huge rock and sand area
hi all the project is on hold till i get the skimmer in it has to be plumed in (EXT) so i should have updates tues or wed thanks all
well all (A VERY SAD DAY INDEED) I received the nice Reeflo Orca Pro 2 skimmer today and ALL IS NOT GOOD , I will let the pictures speak
[attachment=2]box 1.JPG[/attachment]

this is how it arrived
[attachment=1]crushed skimmer.JPG[/attachment][attachment=0]skimmer.JPG[/attachment]
3 weeks to build and ship i guess i will still be waiting to get it all done, wow this is what 1700$ looks like

so please stay tooned until i can get it replaced [smilie=angry.gif]
You bring back bad memories for me as well. With any big tank build you are going to have problems with these types of issues and unfortunatly, people that are less than willing to take the liability. I hope you have a different experience than I've had.
from the picture, the acrylic looks decently thick. (compared to china skimmers)
and by the looks of the top of that box..... looks like someone used that box to kick a field-goal before throwing it on the truck.....

if they send you a replacement body and allow you to keep that one, i wouldnt mind buying it from you. (i know it doesnt help, but its out there...)
an update i just talked to Raj at MRC they recived the skimmer back and it was fully crushed like the shipper ran it over ( they are dealing with the shipper ) Raj will be shipping mine threw a diffrent carrier , some time in the next 2 weeks , stay tooned this week is prep for pluming and start making Rock i will include picts and finnish the DIY canister filters (thanks Brett for the Tech notes)
so i am back at it and STILL WAITING on the SKIMMER, I started the plumbing and have it all dry fit , it is all 1 1/2 return/drains nice flow it drains into 1 in ball valves for adjustment and TEEs into ext skimmer (when it arrives ) it will sit to far left side of tank outside in its own cabnet with a huge waste collector here are the picts.
left side with skimmer TEE and sump drain
.[attachment=2]left side pluming.JPG[/attachment]

here is a good shot of the center with REFUGE drain and 1 1/2in return (i am waiting for more union ball valves as i bought all in the area and have more on order)
[attachment=1]center pluming.JPG[/attachment]

here is the right side just behind the DIY canister reactors
[attachment=0]right side pluming.JPG[/attachment]
more to follow (page 2)
thanks for looking
Make sure that with every water change you are moving those ball valves. If you don't touch them for 3-6 months, you'll never get them to move at all! The plumming looks REALLY nice.
ok here is the completed DIY reactor as it sparked some intrest i will talk more about it it is fed of main return into 1in pvc and ball valve most important is to have main ball valve to cut course flow preasure and add a secound ball valve at each canister for fine tune the flow as each pellets differ in size and weight and act / react diffrently as in previous post i didnt have center pipe installed i mesured the open housing and canister and cut it 1/8 in short to allow the seal to seat and then i drilled the bottom 2in and every 1/4in for flow ( MAKE SURE the housing is plumbed in reverse of flow or you will have a huge mess and add a plastic type mesh in the drain side to keep pellets in the reactor or use filter element at top of canister eather way is good then i plumbed the manifold back to main drain line to put the reacted water threw the skimmer before going back to display as the bio water can get slimy and full of NOT GOOD DTS levels here is the completed reactor pictures , i also added unions in between each reactor as this alows removal of each unit with out cutting and i also added unions at the ends for future additions to the reactor manifold
.[attachment=2]diy reactors 3 med 1 large.JPG[/attachment]

i also recived my new AIR WATER & ICE, TYPHOON III EXT 150gpd RO/DI with DTS and Pressure gauge. i also still have my typhoon II 150 gpd w/out dts and gauge i am making just shy of 250gpd as temp and house pressure effect production so i guess its "GOT RO/DI ? " . with a 200 gallon storage tank i should have no problem filling my aquarium.
.[attachment=1]typhoon 3 EXT RO,DI.JPG[/attachment]
both units
[attachment=0]typhoon RODI factory 300 GPD.JPG[/attachment]
thanks again
last but not least 200 gallon storage tank,
[attachment=0]200 gallon starage.JPG[/attachment]

please let me know if you ALL need RO/DI i will give a club discount (FREEEEEE bring own container) NON members 1$ per gallon thank you stay tooned for more and thanks for watching
good morning all it is a happy day the Reeflo Orca pro II Ext skimmer arrived last night , beautiful with no damages. i have the task of plumbing and painting the pipes, and get it ready for WATER .here is a picture of the Pro II [smilie=clapping.gif] [smilie=rofl.gif].
.[attachment=0]Orca Pro II.JPG[/attachment]
thanks for watching [smilie=smile.gif] [smilie=smile.gif] [smilie=clapping.gif] [smilie=smile.gif]