Carl's 195 Tank build


Just a heads up on the bio-pellet's. Do not add the recommended amount right off the bat especially if your nitrates are up, start off with 1/3 the amount needed.

It beeen a while since I've posted and ALOT has changed. First, I had the over feeding from nieces, then about 8 months ago, I go on vaction and power goes out on my tank. Only had one fish die but I couldn't find it. This lead to a algae outbreak that I fought for sometime. Aptasia begin to rear their ugly face and spread like weeds. So I just bit the bullet sold most my corals and removed the sand from my tank and replace it with fresh sand. Didn't slow down the algae or the aptasia. Most of my rock was 10 years old or so. So I decide to Reincarnate them. I took pictures but I don't have them on my ipad. If anyone like I'll post pictures. But here is a picture of the tank after putting the reincarnated rock back in.

It's sterile but pest free. Tested parameters and nitrates and phos. were good. Ca. 350 Alk. 7 Mg 1180. Need to get them back up. I would like to purchased some encrustated coralline rock to get the coralline going.