330 peninsula

Pics to come. Added a few fish and corals..making sure everything is good and so far they are. Will add some snails next week.
Sorry on the no updates and pics..the fish room is dark since the ceiling fan/light been taken down. Once light is up ill take pic of the light island and equipment. The rocks are covered in cotton candy algae getting new tank syndrome so I threw in ten Mexican turbos. They seem to be eating it so soon I will add half of my acros. Right now I have all but a few of my zoa and paly collection on the bottom alomg with my acans. Once rocks clear up ill add my chalices. I added a tunze 6255 and two 6105 for flow. The 6255 is a monster. Using salinity salt mix atm..but going back to tropic marine bioactiv. Can't seem to store the salinity. Maybe go back n forth between the two salts.stay tuned for more..