What is this hitchhiker with tennicles?

The patch of tentacles on the center left, hanging down?  Looks a little like glass anemones.  A nice way of describing aiptasia anemones.  No bueno!  The white balls in the middle, if they are the tips of the tentacles you're seeing, could be a patch of what I used to call ball anemones.  They are actually Pseudocorynactis anemones (if that's what you are seeing).  They have semi-transparent tentacles that end in little balls. They grow in patches and aren't usually much larger across than a dime.  They may be pink-ish or orange-ish in color.Are those the tentacles?  Or am I missing what you are seeing?  I see a lot of tube worms like Chris pointed out.
The stuff hanging down are tube worms. I think they are the Pseudocorynactis anemones that have the white ball tips in the middle of picture.Thanks for responding everyone.