Tang won't eat Nori

I have an awesome Yellow Eyed Kole Tang with great coloration. He ate mysis shrimp at the pet store and even eats some in my tank (although I wish he would eat more). He doesn't seem to eat the Nori I put in the tank. Anyone have this happen before? If so what did you do to get them to eat it? I know it is very important for a tang's diet.

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My Vlamingii did not eat seaweed for over a month. I always put garlic guard on it, but only my Clarki clowns would eat it. Then one day he wouldn't let anyone near it and he's been pigging out on it for the past 4 months. I also put grape caulerpa, chaeto and gracilaria in the tank alternating with the seaweed and feed less on those days. If your Kole is not eating anything be concerned, but if it's only the Nori keep introducing it in small pieces until he finds it appealing and supplement something like formula two.

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