Salt results


Membership Expired
I thought the club tested various salts (recently). I'm looking all over the threads for a link/ posting. Can anyone share the results?
I know Fritz was discussed briefly at the winter social... but it was like if it is used after it is made it doesn't have a salinity drop... Other than that I didn't catch anything about other salts
I think the big item was that different test kits got wildly different results from each other, were consistent person to person.  I'm very disappointed that Red Sea wasn't tested, but I think it's a great start.
Do you remember what test kit Steve said he uses? I vaguely remember a reference to Salifert but maybe that was what Fritz salt used to test their salt.
This thread over at RC has been running for awhile: 
Yes, the club went to Frank's Tanks and ran tests on a couple of different salts.  I'll ask Steve if the results were going to be posted.  I know they were discussed at one of the meetings at Stacy's.