Replacement for Quiet One 4000?


Premium Member
I've been using one as a return pump for years and have been plagued with problems from the first week. After another night of getting up to get the thing turning again each time the storm caused a power sag, I'm done! I'm looking for suggestions on a submersible pump that pushes about 1000gph at 0 head height (needs to be able to push about 4 ft).

Help! :)
Thanks Mike, I'm considering the Sicce, but would like something a little more energy efficient (the 5.0 pulls 105 watts). I'm leaning towards a DC pump myself, but still doing the research. I've been using a Jebao WP40 for over a year now, great pump but I'm a little nervous to trust their stuff for a return.
well its hit and miss to be frank.....i had a JEBAO 6000 RUNNING for about 6 months before it pooped out on me its a good thing i got 2.....i like the dc pumps its quiet but if you go jebao i would get 2 or just go waveline just for the fact that you have a warranty
Heh, after reading a bunch of posts in various places, I ordered a Jebao 9000 from Amazon. Seems that lots of folks have gone that way...everyone loves the pumps but a few have stories just like your's.

Fortunately, if if dies on me I can use the Quiet One as a backup and get Amazon to ship me another.