This thread will open about January 1st for voting on January 2023 photos. (Sorry for late opening to vote!) Photos were collected December 2022.
If you are Premium Member (paid) seeking to submit for next photo contest, instead go to Forum Premium 'Members Only' where submission thread is already open:
VOTE BELOW by leaving comment/reply.
EVERYONE WHO VOTES DURING January WILL BE ENTERED INTO RANDOM PRIZE DRAWING!! A Red Sea AB+ 250ml and Red Sea Water Bottle bundle were generously donated by Red Sea - picture below - WAHOO!!

VOTE BELOW by leaving comment/reply. Your vote also enters you into the Red Sea January voter random giveaway!
This thread is open. Please vote on below entries by leaving comment further below.
Those Premium members able to see the January photo collection (during December) may be wondering where that third photo from @melev has gone. Marc has confirmed that gorgeous photo is NOT part of our hobby club January entries. Even more exciting, mark your calendar because April's monthly meeting Marc Levenson of Melev's Reef will be our guest speaker, teaching how to take aquarium photos! (refer Forum). Therefore, this month there are two photos for voting consideration (great odds of winning $50 gift certificate!)
Photo 1 of 2 - @Gatorbait01

Photo 2 of 2 - @HangrightRon

VOTE BELOW by leaving comment/reply. Your vote on above photos also enters you into the Red Sea January voter random giveaway!