New addition... beauty huh? =)

Living in Richardson I always heard about The True Percula but never got the nerve to drive all the way out there.

Well, this past weekend I did and look at this beauty! Some call her a Hybrid black/scopas tang but I'm going to go with "Black Scopas"... she looks almost like a Gem Tang =) (no brown... just straight black and white spots like a Tamarin wrasse)

Anyway, thought I'd share... and I'll def. go back to the true percula, nice store with a great selection I thought!

Link to some recent tank pics of mine -->


I'm up for a carpool sometime - I want one of their CBB's - they are sure to get ones that are not cyanide-caught and have them eating frozen, from what I hear.
Carpool sounds like a great idea seeing as there are a few of us on this side of the world :lol:
That's about the one sponser's store over there I haven't gotten to visit yet. Hoping to soon.