I went to clean the scrubber yesterday, and the plastic grid that the algae grows on crumbled apart. I have had to start over with another piece of the plastic grid. I got 3 years out of that piece of plastic, so I guess that is pretty good. I had already had to trim away an inch, or so, from the top several times because it had gotten brittle, and broken. So, it was about 5 inches shorter than the piece I had started out with. I used a piece of the grid this time that has slightly larger holes, which makes the plastic slightly thicker as well. And rather than insert it in the slot of the feed pipe, I have suspended it about an eighth of an inch below the slot opening. It is flowing better, that's for sure. I was not able to insert this readily in the slot because it is a little too thick. It will work out better this way, I think. After scratching up the surface of the plastic grid with a hole saw, I smeared some of the algae from the old grid all over it. After starting the scrubber up with the new grid, some of the algae is sticking, so that's a start. I will leave the lights on 24/7 until it gets good coverage. I have been running lights 16 hours a day, but need to get this thing going because I have no other export mechanism in place. I will likely employ a couple of bags of chemipure elite during this transition.