Lights out period to kill majonos?

Hey guys,

I have some live rock in a tank that I know has majonos on it. I'm taking all corals and removing them, removing the live rock into a 55g barrel with a heater and powerhead on. Any idea how long majonos will stay alive without life? Would this rock be safe to add to a tank in 1 month? 3 months?

Matt you should try the trick that Drew posted about. put it in a bucket with a single small light source in a corner, the mojonos will migrate off the rock and move toward the light source.
Yes, i think they will live a very long time with out light. and a month probably will not be needed, they should start to walk toward the light pretty fast....just have to wait for them all to make the journey.
They are pretty hardy. In the end, maybe you can remove the bulk of them that way, and deal with the stragglers manually with a dremel.
I'll just bleach the rock. Don't want to risk it. :)

Thought about trying a more patient way. But if it wouldn't be a for sure long term benefit... no point making it possible that they transfer to my system.
Take the rock and add a little copper, that will kill them all fast. Did that when i did not have time to deal with them. Then let rock sit in empty tank for about a month with a couple damsels to help bring back nitro cycle.
I used Joe's Juice which is basically lime to dissolve over 50 anemones in my FOWLR system about 9 years ago. I still have the same rock and none of them ever came back.
All you do is use a small plastic syringe to inject the lime over the anemone's mouth.
Bleach is a sure fire quick way. I would do a bleach bath followed by an acid bath and that rock will be crystal clean.
I've used vinegar in the tank to eliminate a couple. If the rocks can be safely removed then rinse them under cold tap water or let soak for a while Then let sit in the sun to dry for a day or so.
Best thing for in tank is aptisha rx I just put it on each one and the next day they are gone and doesn't make them spread just wait for the ones u can't get move to the light and hit them again it's a slow method but most effective in tank
I've always used a Calcium Hydroxide paste with no survivors for mojanos and aptasia. Just be careful around corals, especially zoas/palys. Turn all circulation off then syphon out the paste after an hour or so.