In case of power loss.... What do YOU do?

Just curious what you all do for a back up plan. The ecotech backup? A battery backup? Generator? Air pump???
Looking for ideas, please post yours.
Thank you!
Power inverter for the car. I'm looking into a generator to power certain parts of the house now, but Before the power inverter, batter power air stone and diy battery backup for the mp40.
Battery airstone, and 2 ups. One for the chiller/heater, one for the smallest wattage backup return pump from the sump. I have two returns from the sump, one 700 gph, and one 300 gph. I have the 300gph on ups.

I would like a generator sometime in the future.
I have an ecotech battery for two of my pumps that kick in immediately, if temp isn't a problem after an hour or so I'll put in a battery powered air stone, and if it's going to be much longer than a couple hours I turn on the generator.
Same as Wes. I have battery backups for my Vortech pumps, and a gasoline generator that runs 12 hours with a single tank of fuel. I wired in special breakers just so I can connect my generator to the subpanel and provide power to the fishroom without having to move cords around. I also have my Apex as well as my router plugged into a UPS so I can get texts and emails.
@Marc wrote:
Same as Wes. I have battery backups for my Vortech pumps said:
The special breakers you speak of, where did you get them? Also is it like an extension chord that's between the breaker and generator? I'm looking to do this exact same thing for dedicated circuits in the house
Good timing with the cold and bad weather coming in. I went with this:

I can chain additional batteries as needed and cycle them out (i.e. drive the dead ones to somewhere with power to recharge).
@FiberglassMonkey wrote:
[I]@Marc wrote:[/I][quote="Same as Wes. I have battery backups for my Vortech pumps said:
The special breakers you speak of, where did you get them? Also is it like an extension chord that's between the breaker and generator? I'm looking to do this exact same thing for dedicated circuits in the house"]

Here's my blog about it:

When the new fishroom was built, I wired it with new circuits off a subpanel and added a special add-on box to allow me to run it off the generator directly. I turn off the big fat breaker in the main panel that feeds the fishroom, then I can run my generator. When the power resumes, I'll disconnect the generator and then turn the breaker back on.

This is the most important rule with my method, and it works great.
I have an old generator that will wake the dead and a chiller for if/when it happens in the summer time. I need to get another generator, perferably one that runs on propane.
If you aren't prepared for something like this or don't have the $$$ to buy a generator you can always dose H2O2 to increase Oxygen. Preperation is key though.
Hoping Santa brings me a generator, but until then.... 1500W DC power converter and a 100' extension cord. ( plugged into the company car.......Why burn MY )