I just realized how long it's been since I updated this. I'd post a picture of the tank but it's actually a little embarrassing right now because I'm fighting off a cyano outbreak. I'm hoping it's just still "new tank" syndrome but regardless I've bought a reactor for GFO to see if that helps.
I've pretty much finished all of the automation and Apex programming, though, so here's a screen shot of that. I'm using a Waveline 2500 controllable DC pump for my return but the plan involves a pair of them and I haven't ordered the second one yet (which would be "PUMP_L" and is why "PUMP_R" is running at 100%). I'm also waiting for Apex to release their FMM (Fluid Monitoring Module) sometime this year, which should be the final part I need for full redundancy in all the critical parts.
[attachment=0]Apex Screen.jpg[/attachment]
A few things that might need explanation:
There's an outlet labelled "Pumps". This is a virtual outlet that's on if either PUMP_L or PUMP_R are on. If that outlet is off, then the the heaters and skimmer also shut off. As long as one of the two pumps in running, then both of those should stay on.
The "Heater_Timer" outlet: I have two heaters in the tank and each one would be enough to heat the tank on it's own. It takes about 30 minutes for the pair of them to heat the tank from 78.5 to 79. When the heaters come on, so does the timer. If it stays on for more than 45 minutes then it's taking longer than it should and, presumably, either my house is much colder than it should be or one of the heaters has failed. If this happens then it sends an email alert.
The "ATO_Timer" outlet is basically the same thing. From the time the float switch activates the ATO pump it takes about 5 minutes to fill the sump back up to the point the switch cuts its off. If the ATO pump runs for 10 minutes then the ATO_Timer switch comes on, which shuts off the pump and activates an email alert. This tells me that either the top off container is empty or something is really wrong and it needs to stop adding RODI water to the tank.
The two "AWC" outlets are the automatic water change handled by the Apex DOS. It changes about 1 gallon each night, Monday through Friday, for about a 10% total water change each week.
"SKM_SW" is the float switch for the contained that the skimmer cup drains into. If that switch goes "Open" then the skimmer shuts off.
All of the "Mix" labelled stuff is from the salt water mixing station in the garage behind the tank.
Reactor pump is for the two media reactors (carbon and GFO) that I'm still setting up, so that's just turned off until I get it finished.
If you have any questions, or see anything that I've done wrong, please let me know. My wife might be right in that I've gone a little overboard with the automation. [smilie=itwasntme.gif]
I'll try to get an actual picture of more interesting things, like the actual tank, sometime next week.