faster coral growth

ive got a 30 gallon cube its mixed with sps zoas and lps im running leds over it ive got a aquatic life 115 skimmer and a hob fuge and i was wondering what could i do to make my corals grow faster could i dose with anything please let me know what everyones thoughts are thanks
there's really no definite answer for that. theres no additive that you can throw into your tank and the corals will just start growing. Growth depends on a lot of variables from lighting, tank flow, quality of water (nitrates, phosphates,), tank perimeters (calcium,alkalinity, magnesium, trace elements). Also depends on the coral itself some grow faster then others. My best advice to you is stability. corals need a stable environment to thrive test your water often make sure your tank parameters are at the right level and stable. dosing a 2 part solution can handle the calcium and alkalinity and dose magnesium to keep the levels up. All three work in conjunction with the other. Keep up with your water changes corals like clean water.