Clean Hands?


Premium Member
Hello everyone. Wasn't sure where to post this so here it is. I try my very hardest to make sure my hands are as clean as they can be before entering the tank. I scrub and scrub for minutes with just got water. I feel like I am always washing my hands so much. But I have small kids. I give baths, I do dishes, etc and I feel like I always have some sort of soap on my hands. Is there something to buy that you wash your hands with that cleanses them enough? Besides just scrubbing with hot water for minutes what can I do? Like a GoJo for aquariums if you know what I mean. Thanks.
I always use dawn dishwashing liquid and rinse thoroughly. Never had an issue. I work in printing and am exposed to ink and harsh chemicals daily. I have to use some pretty aggressive hand cleaners to get clean, but washing with dawn does a really good job of getting rid of any residual hand cleaner. I've tried using the full length neoprene gloves that go up to your shoulder, but they're wayyy to big and bulky and I end up being a bull in a China shop and always break coral when trying to use them.
I agree with Mike I do the same wash with a mild degreaser soap and rinse well with warm and what do we all use to clean things in our aquariums with yes I rinse with vinegar you can get it at Sam's two gallon jugs in a box it's cheap and follow up with warm water any time I have to go in my tank trying not to pollute or leave any oil from my arms that's just me maybe over kill but that's just my routine

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