Blue Tang not eating or moving


Premium Member
My Blue Tang has not eaten for about 2 weeks, laying on her side and hiding. I moved her to quarantine to start medication.
I've done freshwater dips and 1 treatment of API General Cure. This has made the fish more alert but still not eating or moving much. She is wedging herself between the glass and a rock upright. I did a water change yesterday along with another freshwater dip, and noticed redness on one side of her tail.
I'm thinking of doing a treatment of API Primafix or another treatment of General Cure, thoughts or suggestions?

You might want to go on Reef2Reef and Post in the Fish Disease and treatment forum. There are some very knowledgeable people who have helped me with a sick fish. You have nothing to lose at this point.
My Blue Tang has not eaten for about 2 weeks, laying on her side and hiding. I moved her to quarantine to start medication.
I've done freshwater dips and 1 treatment of API General Cure. This has made the fish more alert but still not eating or moving much. She is wedging herself between the glass and a rock upright. I did a water change yesterday along with another freshwater dip, and noticed redness on one side of her tail.
I'm thinking of doing a treatment of API Primafix or another treatment of General Cure, thoughts or suggestions?

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How is your fish now?
What medications did you start (if any)?
When your fish was eating, what did it eat? and did it have "favorite food"?
How fast/slow is your fish breathing?
Was there anything new introduced to the tank?
Anything changed?
How are your other fish?
What are your water parameters?
Any changes in water parameters?
Do you have small kids living at home, and if so could they and/or indoor pets get access to sump?
The fish is still alive, with the same symptoms, slow breathing, not moving, and on its side 99% of the time.
The fish has been with me for 2+ years.
Per an article I read, one recommendation is to hand feed. I tried, but the fish will not take anything.
I moved the fish back into the main tank after the second round of API general cure. It has been in the tank for about 5 days.
Hoping for the best.
I'm sorry to read this. Hippos do that weird thing where they lie down and don't move much, but can get quite active. Did you try reaching out to HumbleFish for assistance? He's the fish disease expert I send everyone to.
I posted in r2r and Jay Hemdal provided his feedback and his article. There isn’t much I can do for the fish, unfortunately.