300 gallon its finshed....new updates and pictures

Well i finished the doors and canopy, now i need to focus on the electronic and wiring. You an see the cabinet that i have to the left as well as my ballasts. enjoy
man that is sweet looking great job donnie i cant wait to get mine oh and let me know how much extra it would be for a canopy like that man you got skills

dam, you really have skills and talent in your hands. The canopy and the stand, they look like they came from the manufrature or something. I can't tell the different b/t the pro and the diy. You reall rock. Everything is nice and it's even nicer if you let me have some of your corals. :lol:
Thanks guys, i appreciate the comments. My goal was to make it look somewhat like the oceanic 210 stand that i had and to make my wife happy.

Rick, It depends on how you want the canopy to look. when you get a moment, give me a call and we can work out a price for stand and canopy.
well this post has been lame for a while and i have had several folks ask me about it and pics. As you know i am considering a 560 upgrade as this tank is awesome, but i want some more length! Well the 560 should be here by Feb 23 and i would have to redo the whole thing, what fun. I re-aquascaped the tank for more floor space and i am happy with the look. I have the lights way to low and they need to be raised about 6 inches, more to come. I have also added a new monster sump that is 82 inches long, 23 inches deep and 16 inches tall. The total running volume is 99gallons and the capacity is like 126, just enought to hold the tank. The refugium section is 42 gallons running and the sump has a 20gallon top off container. There are two bubble towers as well that do a good job of containing microubles.
more In the pic you can see the scratch, it is about 5 inches long...nobody ever says anything about it, but i know its there. Under the magnet it is a little worse.

In the other pic you can see the crack in the top brace. It is not in the middle or anything so i never worried about fixing it, there is so much bracing that there is no deflection. i put a 4ft T sqare on it to just be sure and i have done is several times...no worries.
yeah but who cares about total volume...its all about the big tanks!! :wink: