I made a lot of progress with the tank this weekend... Setup a manifold to run my carbon and UV, cleaned the sump, it was getting nasty and lots of odds and ends I had been putting off.I am doing weekly 25 gallon water changes and ever 3 weeks I am doing 50 gallon water changes to deal with my very heavy feading to keep the peace - so i have stopped dosing. With no corals the water changes are keeping up with everything. I plan to move my DOS to the garbage and setup an auto water change station but other wise the tank is running smooth and the clowns seem happy and several are getting huge! Its hard to believe we are 2 weeks away from there 2 month birthday (living with me).I have a ton of inverts in QT just waiting to move in with the clowns. Also I spend a lot of time watching the clowns, originally the wyoming white were top dog in charge but this week there has been a change of guard and the mocha storms are the top dog.I spent way to much time learning iMovie today and still have a lot of room for improvement so hopefully next time the video will be better. In addition to the clowns I'm trying to learn video editing, and better ways to take the videos etc.https://youtu.be/1t9JzkNlfbU