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  1. H

    Water tester on sellout woot

    I'm sure it isn't the best of quality tester, but anyone buying one of these for five bucks?
  2. H

    Where is a BTA happy?

    Several years ago I jumped on the "gotta have a rose BTA" bandwagon. Bought one and put it in my 135. It crawled back behind some rock where there was no way to get to it, and died. Six or so months later I decided to try again. This one crawled down in to a hole in some rock. Ended up side...
  3. H

    Sick Zoanthads

    Just as the title says. I have some sick zoas. Have them in quite a few places in my tank. On my overflow, on return ports of my closed loop system, on rock. All are doing great except this one perticular batch. They have looked like this for over a week. I have checked at vairous times...
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    fighting microbubbles

    I am running a Little Giant 3-MDQX-SC return pump on my 190. Get terrible microbubbles if I have the ball valve on the discharge side of the pump open all the way. Only way I can get rid of them is to SERIOUSLY restrict the flow of the pump which makes owning an 1100gph pump sort of pointless...
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    Ritteri split

    Have had this ritteri for at least 4 years. Pretty huge, about 10" or so. Last couple of days it looked as though it was trying to work it's way between the back glass and the rock. Then today I noticed it had split. Both "pieces" seem to be fine. Just took me by surprise because I have had it...
  6. H

    Eggs, or GSP spawn?

    OK, so someone has been doin' the nasty in my small tank, just not sure who it would be. When I first saw this I thought someone had laid eggs. But it could be the GSP spawning. Not sure which. The "eggs" are bright pink, and seem to be held together by a mucus type substance. Which do you guys...
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    About to give up

    Ok, apparently everyone that has ever walked past a salt water tank can raise phyto but me! What am I doing wrong here. 2ltr bottle, mix water to 1.020, 1ml of Miracle grow, 5ml of Kents Essential Element, about 1/2 of a small bottle of DTs, air tube, lighting. Let it sit for a couple of...
  8. H

    So i was all bummed out

    [As the topic says, so I was all bummed out because I came home last Tuesday, was messin around with the tank, and for whatever reason, I decided to look behind the tank (which I rarely ever do). Spotted my Yellow Wrass all dried up behind the tank. Just saw the two of them the day before. Well...
  9. H

    Tube anemone out of it's tube

    [My tube anemone has crawled out of it's tube. It has been in the same spot for months, gets fed regularly ( in fact last night ) looks to be still in good health, bright colors, etc. Just that it has crawled out of his tube. It is standing verticle in the water, kind of acting like it is...
  10. H

    Raising cleaner shrimp

    [OK...I WISH I had this problem.... A work associate of the wife's has a 55gal tank and has nothing in it but a few pounds of LR ,two cleaner shrimp and two peppermint shrimp. Seems his shrimp are very "active" and they have babies about once a month. But, they don't seem to grow. I went by...
  11. H

    Got me a new crab critter.

    [Happened to be in the right place at the right time when the stock was getting there, and they had 5 Hawaiian Strawberries. Paid for one and went back a few hours later after work to pick it up, all were gone. This is what the little guy looks like. He's about the size of a quarter. alt="">]
  12. H

    Durso standpipe

    [Just wondering for those of you who use these, what do you use for a screen for the intake? I have a couple of peppermint shrimp that I fish out of my overflow box a few times a month. Pretty sure they would end up sucked down the pipe without a screen. Been playing around with different...
  13. H

    Feather duster out of tube

    [Topic pretty much says it all. Got one perticular feather duster that decided to leave it's tube yesterday. It is still alive, and still has it's crown. The crown is extended. Just isn't in it's tube anymore. Should I put the tube down by the worm? Should I remove the tube from the tank...
  14. H

    Opinion on lighting please

    [I have a 58g tank that is 36" long X 18" wide X 22" high ( or something like that ). Wanting to set it up primarilary as a SPS tank, maybe a clam or two, and just a couple of LPSs or shrooms to fill in the gaps. Currently, I have a single 175w MH in my canopy, that sits about 8 inches or so...
  15. H

    How to catch a fish

    [OK, calling on all of you with troublesome fish experience. I have a clown tang that I suspect ( because I have never actually seen him ) is knocking over corals. Reason I am tagging him as the clupret is because he is in constant hyper mode, and pretty much keeps everyone else worked up...
  16. H

    Home made canopy

    [I have had this 58gal tank sitting around cycled for months now, and could not figure out what I wanted to do with it, or what kind of lighting I wanted to put on it. Then, I ran across a deal on a 175w MH, complete for very little bucks. Kewl, now I have lights, but how to get them up there...
  17. H

    Help with id

    [Hi all. Was wondering if someone could help me identify something that I have growing in my tank. I don't really know how to describe it other than it is a white puffy substance, and kind of resembles mucus of some kind. First place I noticed it was growing around a piece of plate coraline I...
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    Very ambitious clam

    [OK, so about a week ago I got this killer deal on a 2" gold rim Maxima out at Planet Pet. One of those things that you couldn't pass up. Even though I wasn't exactly sure that the lights on my tank would support the little guy ( 4x96 PC + 4X30 fluorescent on a 135gal tank ), I figured I would...
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    Stupid question about a crab

    [OK guys. Here's my stupid question for the week. Are all emerald crabs green? Went out to Bedford Thursday and picked up 75lbs of LR to add to the tank. Since adding the new rock, I have discovered several new creatures ( whoohoo! Freebies ). But tonight, I spotted a new crab, and I have no...
  20. H

    Sick pagoda cup

    [Hi. Was wondering if anyone has any ideas. Picked up two Pagoda's a week or so ago. One is doing great, one looks pretty bad. It is starting to turn brown on one edge and that edge is starting to droopThey both came out of a friend of mine's tank, both were healthy as could be in his tank. My...