Recent content by tstaut

  1. T

    Tank portrait- peter lin - 71 shots

    [I have this in a separate gallery page to help you dial-up guys ;) What an incredible tank...]
  2. T

    1,376  reef articles

    [Just wanted to share with you all a tool I've been working on for a while. Basically, a conglomeration of links to all the (quality) reef articles out there on the Internet. Or at least all I could find... hehe. It's organized by subject and completely searchable, I think this is hands-down...
  3. T

    Some new pics from my 180

    [Every once in a while I like to take pics of my own tank. Hehe. :) alt=""> alt=""> alt=""> alt=""> alt="">]
  4. T

    Pickling lime users - Kroger discontinued it!

    [I went to two Krogers looking for this stuff (Mrs. Wage's) and had a manager check their inventory system. He said no stores in the area have it anymore, they must have stopped carrying it. DANG! After my freak-out, I tried Wal-Mart as a hail mary. Super Wal-Mart in The Colony had Mrs. Wage's...
  5. T

    At long last... the 180 is up!

    [ alt="">]
  6. T

    Poto of the day site

    [Just wanted to invite you all to stop by my new little mini-site (OK, I admit, it's a blog) for a new photo every day. I know I've got a forum here, but since I'm not selling anything on the site, I thought I'd invite everyone who's interested to what I hope at least some of you will find a...
  7. T

    Reef photos of the day

    [Just wanted to invite you all to stop by my new little mini-site (OK, I admit, it's a blog) for a new photo every day. I know I've got a forum here, but since I'm not selling anything on the site, I thought I'd invite everyone who's interested to what I hope at least some of you will find a...
  8. T

    Need some plumbing help - Lots of it!

    [Prepare to be astounded by the depth of my ingorance, LOL. I've never done anything with plumbing before, never had a reef-ready tank as a matter of fact. Marc is coming to help me set up, but he had some questions I couldn't answer. So I'm hoping to get lots and lots of help from you guys...
  9. T

    Steven franks' tank

    [Did a portrait for Steven a while back. Lovely tank, had a blast shooting it. alt=""> alt=""> alt=""> alt="">]
  10. T

    Local guy scores again

    [Just wanted to share my moment of pride with you guys. Remember the DFWMAS meeting last year at Fish Gallery? I took this photo: alt=""> This issue is in stores now. My second magazine cover, first was taken in DAS115's tank and was on the 10/03 FAMA cover. T]
  11. T

    Aquarium mart pics (dialup warning)

    [Don & Donna were kind enough to let me take some photos at their store. :) alt=""> alt=""> alt=""> alt=""> alt="">]
  12. T

    Some pics of my zos (dialup beware)

    [Using Marc's top-down underwater box and my new Canon diopter. :) alt=""> alt=""> alt=""> alt="">]
  13. T

    Last’s night’s photography presentation

    [I enjoyed the opportunity to share some tips with you all. If anyone would like a copy of the handout, please email me and I’ll send you a word document, or paste it to an email if need be. If you have any other questions that come to mind, you can post them here or email...
  14. T

    Where to buy fama locally

    [Anyone know where I can pick up a copy? Thanks Travis]
  15. T

    Anyone with photography questions?

    [Hey all, I'm preparing my presentation for the next DFWMAS meeting, covering tank photography. If anyone has some specific questions or issues they would like me to cover, now would be the time to ask. I plan to make a take-home sheet with some basic information/simple solutions. Photographing...