Wtb: vertex omega 150 impeller


Premium Member
Bought a used skimmer months ago, just now getting the set up and running and the impeller shaft is chipped. Looking for an impeller if anyone has one. Let me know.Thanks
I looked online for about 15 minutes and people really hate the impeller replacements. IMO, it'd be better and most likely easier to find a replacement pump. Good luck man, I'll keep an eye out for you when I make my sunday trip around east dallas LFS's.
Good luck with that. Even the places that sell Vertex skimmers don't stock them. I went through this same scenario last year. After some digging I found an email address for the Vertex department that carries these. Shoot this person an email or call them and see what they can do. It's really odd that these are not readily available from retailers.[Shelby St. Clair] [Vertex Technologies, Inc. ][5445 Oceanus Drive, Suite 107][Huntington Beach, CA 92649 USA][Toll Free: (844) 254-1776][Main: (714) 274-6550][Fax: (714) 890-7240][[shelby@vertextechnologies.net]