When you move...

I'll be moving to a new house, about 2 miles down the road from where I now live. I've got a little 24gal NanoCube, and plan to put everything in buckets, and get it done quickly.
Question is: with this short of a move, should I put my fish in a different bucket from my crabs and shrimp? I don't want anyone getting punchy, especially since my pom-pom crab gets...well... punchy when irritated. Don't want anyone stung, burned, or beat up.
Yeah, it would be better to keep them separated just in case.
Well myabe I am in the minority but if its two miles and 24 gallons seems to me that 30 minutes to 2 hours is the amount of time stem to stern, if properly planned. I think its unnecessary to go to individual bags for that small amount of time. If you had a trigger and some small non agressive fish in the same bucket I might have different advice, but just crabs and shrimp. Make it simple on yourself.