What the heck is this???

Can someone tell me what this is? I purchased this tank from someone with a few corals in it that seemed to be dead. I have been "babying" the heck out of this for the past several days and it seems that things are starting to come alive...

You can't see it on this picture, but there seems to be some sort of wart/jelly like growth on the top right side that has started to get larger.

Could this be coming to life again? Any suggestions on what would be best in this situitation?

That's the color that just started to show up over the past 24 hours. I will wait it out and see what happens.

Thanks Matt!
I have rehabbed a few of these guys from the brink of death. If your tank parameters are stable, you have enough flow to discourage algae, and the coral still has any amount of polyp coming out you can most likely salvage it.

If you are having problems with algae even with good flow you can blast it off gently with a turkey baster to keep it from being overrun with algae.

First the polyps will extend more, then more flesh will grow around them, and then they will slowly color up.

Good luck!
If any coral can be revived that turbinaria is your best bet, they are tough corals, all my cup corals were rescue turned success stories. Good water quality, and flow with moderate light and some time.
Good luck
