What Method Do You Use To Cycle Your New Tank?


Premium Member
1. With Fish Only
2. With Crustaceans Only, such as Hermit or True Crabs
3. With a Combination of Fish and Crustaceans
4. With Live Rock Only
5. With Live Sand Only
6. With Both Live Rock and Sand
7. By the Ammonium Chloride Method
8. By the Cocktail Type Shrimp Method
9. By any one of the above methods, but added a Nitrifying Bacteria Starter (such as RightNow!, Cycle, BioZyme, etc.)
10. By Another Method

I used live rock and live sand.
Live rock, new sand with several cups of sand from an established tank and the cocktail shrimp method. Works well and you don't have those darned damsels to catch a year later. :lol:
I used live rock and live sand and added a few hermits and snails. It worked fine and I actually didn't lose any of the crabs or snails.
I'll go with Fresh Sand, precured live rock with several pieces of established live rock and about 3 cups of live sand from my other tank and get really drunk over the weekend and think it's a giant urinal. :lol: :lol: J/K... I actually use the above method without the urinal part. I'll use the cocktail shrimp method.
I used live rock, live sand and blue chromis as I knew those were some fish I would want later.