What livestock options make your LFS 10/10?

What livestock options make your LFS 10/10 and make you come back for more? I’d like to flow this feedback to some LFS’s to help them improve their business AND get hobbyists what they’re looking for.

Tons of frag options?
Lps options?
SPS options?
SPS frags options?
Huge ORA options?
Types of fish?

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I WANT to see;
Colorful sps Frags – $25-60 range (grown in house, collector or ORA – low markup but it’s what I’m willing to pay for SPS frags)
HUGE lps frag options – 45-65
High end/cost LPS – $100-200
Collector zoa’s - frags only, no rocks
Lots of reef safe wrasses, anthias, gobies/blennies, tangs, angels (the more unsual the better aka black leopard wrasses, radiant wrasses, taliman wrasse, bellus angels, spotted cheeck tang, mimic tangs etc.)

I DON'T care to see
mushrooms, soft corals, green star polys, ricordia, zoa rocks, basic yellow tangs/clownfish or non-reef safe fish
personally, don't like ORA clowns. too much inbreeding
I pick fish stores with honest down to earth sales associates/owners. then I ask them to bring in specific items I need, knowing that they'll be healthy.
I don't like stores where they sell you a bunch of things that won't survive in your tank, corals or fish, so that they can make a few bucks.
Believe it or not, there are some of us out here who like mushrooms and softies...but usually I shop for the loose ones as the mounted usually are too pricey for a small frag.

I like to see a variety of fish, reef safe and not, as not everyone goes with a reef but some have fish only tanks, also a wide variety of corals...not everyone does softies, not everyone does LPS, not everyone does SPS...however what I like to see most besides healthy specimens of anything, are knowledgeable employees that will find out about your set up before selling you something that most likely won't make it in that set up, IE: a mandarin dragonet in anything smaller than a WELL established 55.