what kind of fish can i put with a baby dwarf lion fish?

The rule of thumb is "if it can fit in there mouth it will" well it might be a meal keep a steady feeding cycle around every 4 to 5 days till a bit older then every 2 to 3 days ghost shrimp are a good source cheap and easy to keep in a fresh water bubble taak I have had medium size Lions with most reef fish and no problems. Shrimps of all kinds will surely be a meal. Have fun they are magnificent addition to almost any setup- Never mix with any type of eels, I learned the hard way!
Not only make sure it won't fit in the Lion's mouth, but avoid fast and/or aggressive fish...

I had a predator tank at one point, and my Picasso Trigger would go in and bite the spines off my Lion at the base...

Sorry that's more of a what NOT to get than what TO get, but wanted to point out that even though they're venemonous, Lion's aren't invulnerable...
No fish at this time. Let your tank age. Stop adding anything. I posted more in your other thread.