What are your Nanos' inhabitants at the moment?

I was just wondering what you folks were keeping in your Nanos? Aside from corals and feather worms, whats in em'?


Pink Skunk Clown
Lawnmower Blennie
Pistol Shrimp of some sort (was a hitch hiker)

The reason Im asking is to get ideas for new inhabitants and want new ideas. My tank has a good amount of flow so I'm looking for something that has some stamina in them.
Mine is still a pretty new set up but this is what I got in my 12gal.

1 Yellow Clown Goby
6 Blue Legged Hermits

But by the end of this week I will have.

1 Blood Shrimp
3 Cerith Snails
2 Astrea Snails
2 Nassarius Snails
1 Margarita Snail

I am only going to have the one fish and shrimp to keep my bio-load low. I mostly just want corals.
I have :

2 T.Perc's
1 Strawberry P.Chromis
1 Skunk Clown
5-7 Margarita Snails
10 Blue Legs s-m

12 gal nano.
I have:

1 true perc
1 yellow clown goby
1 green chromis
1 peppermint shrimp
1 Porclein crab
and too many hermits and snails to count.

I've tried putting some other beasties in, but she isn't very friendly. :?
In my 12 gallon nanocube I have:
2 Andy's tank raised false percs
1 Green bar goby
1 Firefish
1 Yellow watchman goby w/ candy stripe pistol shrimp
1 Fire Shrimp
1 Porcelain Crab
in my 7 gallon I have:

3 nassarius
5 small margaritas
1 astrea
1 small cowry
1 randall's pistol shrimp (candy stripe)
1 yasha goby
In my 12 Gallon, I have

1 large maroon clown

2 yellow tail blue damsels

1 large false Percula

Corals, and the whole cleaning crew with some stars, and others.
One H. reidi seahorse, one blue-stripe pipefish, one green clown goby, one skunk cleaner shrimp, one sexy shrimp, one peppermint shrimp, various snails and crabs, mushrooms, various zoanthids and button polyps, a couple blastos, and a Capnella sp. (Kenya Tree Coral).

The seahorse and pipefish are great eaters and everybody gets along. The pipefish is reasonably active, but small so there isn't a whole lot of "fish action" going on.

In my 26g I've 2xbanded gobies, 2xfirefish, 2xfalse percs, 1xscissor tail goby, 1xbi-color blenny, 1xcoral beauty, 2xdamsels, 1xscooter blenny,1xcleaner shrimp, 1x blood shirmp, 1xsifting star and a horseshoe crab.
5g-clarkii, neon goby, scooter blenny, and red headed goby.
29g-GSM clown, yellow damsel, 6 line wrasse, coris wrasse and horseshoe crab.
I have 4 peppermint shrimp, 1 fire/blood shrimp, 1 royal gramma, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 yellowheaded jawfish, 1 seahorse, 1 blue-leg hermit (hitchhiker), 1 scarlet reef hermit (another hitchhiker), and tons of snails.
My 10 gal is a crab tank- All the evil crabs go there to duke it out, and usually lose to the resident decorator crab and arrow crab. Sometimes they find a crevice to hide out in for a while. I hope to move these guys up to a 20. There is also a blenny that shares the space.

My 20 long has 5 juvenile seargent major damsels from Galveston, as well as some good size not reef safe huge hermits.

We have two 12 gal nanocubes back home in Denton- They are both in flux at the moment, but one has a banded goby, a cleaner shrimp, and an emerald crab or two.
12 gal jbj deluxe nano

2 tank bred false percs
bunch of hermit crabs
bunch of snails/stomatellas
a veritable flock of amphipods :D

bunch=more than 2, less than 15, in my lexicon.
just out of curiosity how do some of you keep 3-4+ fish in a 12 gal? Is your bio-load not too high? could i get away with that?

I have a mated pair of true percs, yellow tail damsel, manderin, 4 sherman rbta's, 2 frogspawn, closed brain coral, pom pom xenia, gsp, purple shrooms, green shrooms, 3 zoa colonies, a toadstool, brown polyps, and some crabs/snails.

Tank is almost full! :shock:
I added the manderin on Jan 7th of this year.
It was a royal PITA to keep the pod population in the tank high enough to keep him feed. I stocked the tank with lots of trigger pods and feed lots pf phyto. Lots of phyto means lots of algae - which means lots of cleaning. :evil:
Then one day about a 6 weeks ago I noticed him eating Formula 2 pellets. It was just out of the blue, he would not touch them before. Since then he has gone from healthy looking to pretty fat now that he has pods and pellets to feast on.