Uv sterilizer


Premium Member
[May I have any comments on UV Sterilizer please.
(does the tank need one?)

We are planning our second tank. (125 reef)

Today I was told we need a UV Sterilizer.
I do not have a sterilizer on our 85 gal. reef tank.

Barbara in Grand Prairie]
[Hogwash! I don't think it is necessary. I know some folks have them and use them only periodically, but do NOT keep them hooked up to their system all the time. Although, I only have a 55 gallon. I do know that from what I have read, most folks seem to believe that they are not necessary and can actually do more harm if left running all the time. I think if you get one, you should only use it periodically. Some will even say to only use it if you are having some sore of disease problem in the tank.]
[Well said Jody, I only use mine when I put new fish in the tank. Leave it on for a few days then turn it off until you have an outbreak or new fish. They work well in those cenerios but they're not necessary.]
[Reefette UV helps remove toxins from the surface of the water...surface reactants such as chlorine (not sure if this is what Tommy meant). Mainly they are used to kill bacteria, protozoa, virus strands, etc.

...skimming of course removes surface reactants primarily proteins though!

If you are putting fish succestible to parasites in the tank. It is a good idea though not a cost most are willing to bare!]

Edited By BrianC on 1080257476
[A reef tank does not need a UV set up. It will kill bacteria - both the good and the bad. Better to use it on a quarantine tank, if at all.]

Actually UV removes/kills any bacteria, single cellular algaes, protozoans, parasites, etc that passes in front of the UV light. It has little effect on the surface which is why it is important to continue runing a protein skimmer which removes harmful organics rather than simply neutralizing/killing them.

I've never heard of UV knocking out Chlorine and I doubt that it's true. (Brian, No offence intended. Just a statement in order to prevent the thought that it's ok to just add tap water with a UV sterilizer.)]

Edited By Reefette on 1080267438
[I think uv will affect chlorine some but most tap water nowadays is actually treated with chloramine which is not affected in the slightest by uv. The uv question comes up from time to time I usually post because I used one constantly many many years ago. Everytime my light was down for any reason the fish started acting sick immediately. I have not used one for one minute in the last 15 years, I feel it makes the enviornment too sterile if used constantly. I don't see a problem with using one for a short period of time as a treatment for a problem. Like others have said it is NOT selective it kills all life that comes in close contact with the bulb. I would bet that at least 75% of all the great tanks out there never use one.

As far as expensive I've never priced one. We used to make our own and it cost practically nothing compared to other things we use. ALL you need is a NO light ballast and ends some PVC pieces, silicone, a low flow pump, and of course the uv bulb.]
[Thank you to each and everyone of you for your replies.
The responses were fast and helpful.

Barbara in Grand Prairie

(next will be a lighting question :) )]