Updated Sticky on Marine Ich - Looking for Input

It seems we get a lot of questions about MI and treatment, what is reef safe, etc. I've tried to update the sticky at the top of the marine fish sub forum with some links and relatively concise information. Although I have my personal preferences as to treatments and biases as to what I think is best I tried to include the most common treatments and views on MI. If you have a moment, please take a look and see if there is anything else that should be included. Hopefully, we can just point folks to this thread where they can get the majority of the information they need by just going to one place:

Good stuff. I just recently battled this heavily with a tank that had the following

Blond Naso
Regal Tang
Sailfin Tang
Powder Brown
3 clowns
Lemon Angel
Coral Beauty
Golden Head Goby

I went with the feed garlic and wait it out option and all I was left with was my Coral Beauty and Sailfin Tang. Couldn't copper it up due to my corals and inverts, and did not want to chance "Reef Safe Medications" since every thing I read on showed it wasn't reef safe by past experiences. It was very hard to see them die off one by one, but trying to catch them in a reef environment is near impossible and like you said would have just added stress and killed them. All of them were eating like crazy up til the day the died.

So from my experience, once you get it, no matter the option, some fish death is inevitable. I can also say that Cleaner shrimps do help a little, but can't save the fish. I have 3 in my tank and still do as of this day. Even saw my peppermints and fire shrimp trying to help clean them as well, but it way too bad.
Thanks for the feedback so far guys. Please keep it coming.

While I believe MI can be one of the most frustrating thing to deal with, I think a good hospital tank that you can treat or medicate will go a long way toward preventing losses if you catch it early enough. That said, I know it is not practical or possible for everyone to have a fully running system on standby "just in case."