Trochus Snails breeding in my tank - and surviving!

Im not really up to date on snails and which breed in captivity.

I was looking at my sum at 11:20 pm tonight and saw something on the glass. I thought it was one of them guys that if you pick them up they lose thier shells (yuck).

It wasnt, it was a baby trochus snail! These guys are cool in that they have a somewhat working technique to right themselves if they fall on thier backs. They wiggle thier foots.

Im not aware if these guys breed readily in captivity, seems im having some romance in my tank, hes about 1/8th of an inch in diameter, looks just like his larger tank mates (I moved him in the main tank, I hope he lives, better then getting blended in my return pump).

I believe the Trochus is one of the snails that Project Dibs has had some success with. I have some new baby snails in my tank...I think they are the "strombus grazers" -still too tiny to tell.
Thats cool, I didnt do anything to get them breeding, thats a good sign.

This is the same species you can get at most stores, they have a white underside on thier foot and the rest is black.
That almost looks like a dark sun dial snail, with the altenating black marks circling the shell. A photo taken in a small dish with bright lights would help in ID'ing.
Oh its a trochus, he has the black body and was on the glass in my sump. I know sundial snails as they have a pointy part of thiere shell that closes it off.