Today is a Sad Day

Today, not only did one of my beautiful fish commit suicide by jumping out of the tank, but a second did also. Now my tank feels empty and not only have these two deaths occured but others have as well. I upgraded my tank to a 50 gallon a couple weeks ago and put two chromis in there with my original fish. A few days later one of them sunk to the bottom of the tank and proceeded to die. I added 6 more chromis when reef remedies got a shipment in so I was up to seven of them. Then, two days ago the same thing happened and my chromis died. So with the one jumping out today and the other two mysteriously dying I'm down to five and I no longer have my fairy wrasse. Does anyone know why they would have jumped out or what caused the original two to mysteriously die? They all seemed perfectly healthy and happy before. I checked my water today and my nitrates were a little high but not at the death level...
Chromis can be pretty aggressive towards one another. Chances are they're attacking each other to form some sort of dominance.
I had an issue with only 3 in the tank they would chase all day now with 9 they school all day long

Sent from inside the shark tank!
Maybe stray voltage or something fast moving around the tank like a cat or dog. Maybe they are getting scared.

Sent from inside the shark tank!
They can be like that. I've had perfect parameters and still have a couple take a turn for the worse. +1 on what Phillip added. If you have a couple of aggressives in the bunch, they can stress the others out from what I've seen. I had one that gave my flasher wrasse all hell for a while even though it was just a quarter the size.
Another one jumped out this morning. We do have 5 cats so I guess they could have scared them but theyre pretty dumb and don't even notice the tank is there, nor can they figure out a bug.....

I might consider getting an acrylic lid but those can be pricey
Had 2 clowns and a Midas Blenny jump out in a matter of 2 weeks. I also thought it was one of my wrasse that caused it but the other night I heard some noise on top of my qt around 3 am and my yellow wrasse was determined to jump out of the tank I had to turn the lights on and scared him to the bottom of the tank. I read most of fish jump out at night? Don't know if that's the case with yours but mine jumped out at night :(
@hp5806 wrote:
Another one jumped out this morning. We do have 5 cats so I guess they could have scared them but theyre pretty dumb and don't even notice the tank is there said:
As an alternative, go to Home Depot or Lowe's and buy egg crate (light diffuser is what they call it). Cut it to size to fit the top of your tank, then if necessary, zip tie some smaller mesh plastic screen (also bought at HD or Lowe's in the gardening area) to the egg crate. This allows heat out, light in and also keeps the fish in. Plus it's a $15 - 1/2 hour project.
Thanks, I might do that. Also one of my urchins has been dropping a lot of its spines. I moved it to my big tank, do you think it will be ok? It's missing like half of them at this point and has been sitting upside down a lot
I have a lot of problems recently, so my plate coral doesnt seem to happy either, but I could be wrong considering I'm new to this. Maybe I don't have enough lighting? I have a 14k LED bar and a 50/50 on that seem to work well but another spa has dropped its blue colour and some of them look like they're starting to stretch. Should I add another light? Or get T5s?
All perfect!, except for the nitrates yesterday which where a little higher than ideal but not much. Im at school right now so I cant test until this evening but theyre great!
Ok, I'm starting to be quite concerned now. Our royal gramma is now missing and I can't find a body anywhere. It didn't come out to eat and my water has good parameters. Ughhhhh
Our royal gramma can hide so well you'd swear he wasn't in the tank, but he comes out eventually.... Sorry you've been having such bad luck lately.
Alright, so I took a water sample to reef remedies and they tested it for me and my alk and calcium were really high apparently. Needless to say I still bought a grounder just in case. When I came home one of my chromis was all beaten up. So I did a water change, cleaned up the sand bed and all that jazz then caught the hiding fish and stuck it in a jar. I poked holes in the lid and suspended it near the top of the tank so it could still get flow and fresh water. I dont have a QT or hospital tank so he just has to chill in there. I've been monitoring the 3 remaining chromis and I havent noticed any chasing or anything. One likes to stay separate though. So any suggestions?
Here are the latest photos of my dying two...I found a new home for the plate coral so hopefully it will get better in someone else's hands and I'll just stick to the softies for now