Tank tribble - Picture identification

[Hey Folks,

I noticed this little thing growing on my topmost piece of liverock.. It was only tiny when I first sighted it, but now it's probably the size of a green grape.. I call it my Tank Tribble..

After doing a search on WWM for "black fuzzy ball" I found the name of something called a "dead sailor's eye" (can you believe I actually got a search hit for that?).. I did a search on the internet for "dead sailor's eye", and boy did that pull in some interesting websites, I found a picture on a dive page.. It kinda looked alike, but the sailor's eye was smooth like valonia whereas my little guy is fuzzy..

Personally, I call just about every weird looking thing in the tank a sponge, but I've spent considerable time looking online for this and I haven't spotted it.. I was hoping that someone might either 1.) have one themselves or 2.) have seen it in a book or something..

Any help would be appreciated..]