Tank back to normal

[i woke up friday morning with something weird going on in my tank. All corals almost looked dead, fish hiding, snails in shock-- i tested water, ammonia-0 nitrite-0 PH-8.2 nitrate- less than 12. I had no clue what was going on. I went to saltwater paradise and scott gave me some info on what to do, i ran some carbon and got out whatever was in my water. The only thing we could think of is my xenia had died and let off some neurotoxin. I took the xenia out and waited.

It was weird my xenia looked great the day before and then like crap the next. Anyone else ever had their xenia colony wiped out very quickly??

Now 2 days later everything is back to normal, except my leather which is looking better. I was also missing my blue tang, which i saw coughed up yesterday by my anemone. That SOB ate him. :angry:

Just wanted to let ya'll know what was going on with my tank, if you actually cared. If you need some good info and nice corals and fish hit up Scott @ saltwater paradise in Irving, heres the website-- saltwaterparadisetx.com

[Hi Mark,

Sorry to hear about your problem. What a shame. I've heard about Xenia crashes, but only anecdotally. You're the first to actually blame it personally.

Sorry to hear about your tang too! I lost a yellow last week, after 4 days in the tank. My other tang bullied it to death, even though it was a very small one. I think next time I do that, I'll find one that is the same size instead.]
[yeah this tang had been in my tank over a month, he and my foxface were buddies. Always swam around together, ill get another one pretty soon. This one was really small, so ill make sure i get a little bigger one so maybe my anemone cant get him.
