Stupid mistake cost me my corals!

I had set up a 10 gallon temp tank to hold my coral and my one fish while I reset up my main tank. Well to make a long story short, my fan on my Sunpod went out so I was running a small fan duing the day to keep the light and tank cool while I waited on the replacement fan to arrive. The tank was set up in my son's room (5 year old) and I used the fan at night to keep him cool. So every morning, I would go move the fan back to the tank.

Well I when I got home on day from work, I went up to his room to check and OH NO!!! I forgot to move the fan back to the tank!!! The tempeture was over 90+. The water was very cloudy and my hammer and frogspawn all receded. I quickly did a water change and got the temp back down. Now my my main concern was saving the fish (which I did).

I started running carbon as well but the tank was still very cloudy. Looked like the corals where smoking as long white strings floated up though the water.

In the end, I lost all of my hammer coral, and all but one head of my frogspawn. There are serveal other heads of FS that might make it but its a wait and see. I started that FS from not even a head, it started off as four tiny buds, I guess it back to the start.

I have those that look like they have a chance back in the main tank.

I took this photo a day before the meltdown :cry:

sorry to hear you lost everything, did you also do a water change along with the carbon? hope your few survivors make it. good luck!
My main tank was done cycling so I moved what looked to be alive. My zoes lived, the fish lived, and about 6 heads of frogspawn lived.

Looks like my hammer dies. The heads are either empty or white blobs with nothing extending from the heads.
thats good, glad alot made it. i had a thermometer run in a couple years back and lost several things (half) to 90+ water, it sucks i know.