Stockman standpipe for overflow..

[Ok, I have a Lifereef SLIMLINE overflow box. I tried to build one of these but I could not get it to work right (ie. I would have had a flood) because you can't use the exact items in the 'recipe' because I have a slimline box. I did try though. Anyway, I paid to have one built for me that works with this overflow. (Please don't tell me that I could have built it for such-and-such amount...I tried and failed...didn't have time to mess with it...) Anyway, the instructions showed the water level being about half-way on the part directly below the top dome piece that has the air tube coming out the top. Well, my water level covers that whole piece (comes to base of the dome piece). It seems to stay there (I just installed it was still at the same level this morning). Does anyone see this as being a hazard or is this fine since it seems to be pretty stable at that level (if anything, the water level might go a little below it from time to time)?

I believe Ken's email address is on my instruction sheet and I will write him this evening, but I don't expect him to answer back until Monday. (If someone has his email address, let me know and I can write him this afternoon.)


Edited By buyitjody on 1108753273
As long as the water level in the inner box isn't rising or up near the water level in the tank you should be fine.
BTW, I had the smae problem when I tried to make one for my LR slimline. I just went down a smaller PVC size on the outside fitting and it fit. Still didn;t accomplish what I wnated though. I just went back to the old airline tube instead. Got tired of jacking with the Stockman.
[Hey Jody,
I just found a simpler solution. I just replumbed my drain today and it was rediculously loud. Finally after seeing it in another thread (by Marc) of course, I took a regular 1" elbow, drilled a hole in it big enough to fit a airline tube in. Then just slide this elbow onto the drain in the outer box and inseet the airline tube a couple inches. I think Marc has a pic of this in the thread I was talking about. I think I found it by doing a search on loud drain or something.
[Thanks, but the stockman pipe I have is doing it's job fine. I am just trying to find out if the water level should be lower in the overflow box (ie. if I should drill a small hole in the top).]
[Jody, no offense, but your avatar is over 1mg in size. :shocked:

I resized it and attached it to this message.

Do those on slow connections a favor and replace your 1mg file with this 2k version. :lol:

To get back on topic, I want to replace my draintube and I am considering doing a stockman overflow but also read about another design, but can't find it. Anyone know what it was called?]
[I sent Charley the link to the newer one, but I again forgot the acronym. GRN or something. Hang on....
