Stock Okay?

My grandfather has recently purchased a 125g to futher venture into the marine world. He has come up with this list of fish: Picasso Trigger, 2 LionFish , a Sail Fin Tang, Yellow and Blue hippo tang, Pair of Clarkii Clownfish, Porcupine puffer, Koran Angel, and Snowflake Moray Eel
Would this work? Thanks
I'll second Matt's suggestion. I always try to take into account the maximum size a fish can get and still ask for advice and confirmation that I'm not planning on over stocking my tank. I'm probably going with a maximum of 5 tangs in a 260 gallon with just a few other smaller sized fish . . . even that may be too much in the long run.
I would research the maximum size of each fish. Most of those get really large so taking out the clowns simply to reduce the number of fish does not help that much. For example, the Blue Hippo Tang and Porcupine Puffer each can get up to 12" long and the Koran Angel can get up to 15" long.