RR Tank Uneven Flow

Hello All,

Today I finally got some water in my 110 Oceanic. I have a refugium and the return pump going. The issue seems to be the flow is very inconsistent. The water will go into the drain section and then every 30 seconds it rushes down and then steady. I think there must be an air pocket so I tried to move the drain hose to release it with no success. The return pump is probably smaller than suggested, would that cause it? Any suggestions?

It looks like your drain pipe comes up a little before going back down into the sump? If that is the case, try and change it so that it never goes up... should smooth out the flow.
I so not think that is not going to change anything. I am more interested on how you have it plumbed behind the black plastic.

do you have a durso set up or just a pipe? search durso on google if you are not sure what that is.
This is a durso setup, it will eliminate issues such as the one you are having. https://www.google.com/search?q=durso+standpipe&hl=en&biw=1080&bih=657&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=4PsBUNT4B4mw8ASx6uSBCA&sqi=2&ved=0CF0QsAQ

Is the hole in the top of the clogged? to me is sounds like it is working on a siphon, so air is not getting in the pipe for some reason. when the water rushes down does it go below that water line on the pipe? I am guessing it is going down to those holes drilled in the side then stops.

are you using a differnt pump then the person you bought it from? maybe the air hole in the top needs to be enlarged because of a stronger return pipe.
I adjusted the tube underneath and it appears to have stopped. I will need to cut down the PVC to give it a downward slope. I will do this tomorrow and let you know. Thanks for helping.
@downwithfescue wrote:
I adjusted the tube underneath and it appears to have stopped. I will need to cut down the PVC to give it a downward slope. I will do this tomorrow and let you know. Thanks for helping. said:
yeah. That's the problem. Mine is like that. And it gurgles. It's not the durso hole or anything else.
I am glad that fixed it, but i don't see how. the direction of water flow should not matter as long as the the output is lower then the input. but again if that worked awesome. one of my drains goes down about 5ft then across the floor about 10ft then back up 4ft over the top of the sump and it is silent.
@ss95003 wrote:
I am glad that fixed it said:
It is a back-pressure issue... Here is an explanation: http://www.dursostandpipes.com/faq/45-flushing-effect-why-does-the-water-level-go-up-and-down
I cut the pvc from the intake hose to the Refugium. It eliminated almost all the "Bouncing flow". There is a tiny bit of the bounce left but it is acceptable, for the time being. I have to cure me some dead rock now. Thanks again for everyone's help. It is much appreciated. More questions to come.....
