RBTA Caught in Powerhead


Premium Member
So I left the house today and came home later and my RTBA was completely sucked up into the powerhead! Devastated! I immediately turned off all the power heads and set it back on the rock it was originally on. The body is not shredded. It looks like only the tentacles were harmed. Waited a few hours (while frantically making RODI water in case I needed to do an emergency water change) and went back to check on it and it attached to the rock, moved a few inches towards the back of the tank, and opened up a bit. The maroon clown is still hosting in it. My heart filled with joy when I realized he wasn't dead.

Recommendations on how to nurse it back to health? First I need to figure out a way to keep him off the PH. I should note, he has been in my tank for less than a week, is a mature 14 inch Sherman, and I was devastated that I may have possibly killed him but am pleased to say he is alive...for now.

Tank parameters as of this morning.

Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0

80 gallon long
3 Maxijet 1200 PH - pic attached
Lighting - 2 light strips. 48" Panorama Marine LED, 12,000k white, 450nm blue each
Fish - Foxface Lo, Blue Tang, Maroon Clown, 2 Yellowtail Damsels
Corals - Candycane, Green Hammer, GSP, Yellow Polyps, Ricordia Yuma, Birdnest

Thanks for the advice and your expertise.
If he isn't shredded and the water is clean I'd say you are very very fortunate. Some gentle feeding every couple days may be in order (if it takes food). Get some foam for that powerhead ASAP.

My nems tend to stay put, and so I decided the risk of LPS and rbta's touching things they shouldn't due to flow changes following a clogged foam filter were higher than the risk of pink spaghetti in a powerhead. Having said that a couple times per year my nems do start to wander. When that happens I put the foam back on the powerhead and make sure there is a big wad of macro inside my overflow to catch it there.
I've had it happen multiple times. Just run carbon and any filter floss if you have some and you'll be fine.
Ok. So the anemone is ok. But it's been hiding since the accident. I can barely see it when the light are on and I'm afraid it's not getting enough light and I am also afraid it's not healing wel because the clown is still all up in it.

Question: I don't have a quarantine tank so is there anyone willing to keep my clown for a while so that my anemone can fully heal and then I can get him back? Or is a LFS willing to do this?

Thank you.
Where do you live? I have a QT I always keep up and running. I could hold onto him for you.
Mike, are you going to be home in the morning? I'd like to bring over the clown. Please let me know. Thanks.
I'll be home early in the morning, will need to leave by 9:30 though. Does that work for you?