Rare tang pics

I'm in Orlando for a few days and decided to go visit an LFS by my moms house. It's called living reef. I miss the stores from Florida. Lots of really nice $10 frags. I wish I could get some but I'm not sure checking bags with coral will work. They had two pretty rare tangs In the store.


They weren't for sale but the guy working there said the gem normally goes for $4500 and the yellow one with black and white is around $7000. They also had a few purple tangs. A large one was listed for $200. The prices on coral and fish are normally cheaper here than in DFW from what I saw today. Not sure about about the super expensive rare tangs though. I'm assuming those cost the same no matter where you are.
Live Aquaria had a Gem Tang for about $3500 not too long ago so that is in the ballpark for something that rare. Very cool that you got to see these in person.
Another pic of the black,white,yellow tang.
Anyone know the name of it? I forgot what the guy said it was.

This guy wouldn't stop for a picture

Here is one of my favorite ones. Was in a friends tank about 3 years ago then he sold it.
Dont check them - carry them on! Lots of folks from MACNA did the carry on method - its a living item - proof that what is in the bag is not bad :) Although, when livestock is shipped, its typically in the belly of an airplane, just in a Styrofoam box.
@C4rN4gE wrote:
Dont check them - carry them on! Lots of folks from MACNA did the carry on method - its a living item - proof that what is in the bag is not bad :) Although said:
Someone at my table at last nights meeting told me that someone tried to carry on corals on the plane they bought from macna tsa made them reopen the bags and empty or check the water can't remember the details but in the end all the corals died. I think it just depends on the agents discretion on bagged livestock

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@kuyatwo wrote:
[I]@C4rN4gE wrote:[/I][quote="Dont check them - carry them on! Lots of folks from MACNA did the carry on method - its a living item - proof that what is in the bag is not bad :) Although said:
Someone at my table at last nights meeting told me that someone tried to carry on corals on the plane they bought from macna tsa made them reopen the bags and empty or check the water can't remember the details but in the end all the corals died. I think it just depends on the agents discretion on bagged livestock

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Think you heard it from me... I read it on facebook... here is the quote:

TSA did not take the corals out my baggage but they took the bags out of the cooler in the suitcase, ripped each bag so most of the corals died, did not put the bags back in the cooler so the saltwater soaked the powerhead from dinner and my cloths. I had a friend with me when we opened it and in his words... they intentionaly vandalized the contents and killed those corals.
That sounds fishy! (Pun intended) Something doesnt add up here, as my experience with corals is that they are in reality very hardy, so even if they had to open the bags, they would of survived. Now cold/heat, or some other mitigating factors will play a roll in survivability.

In thinking about this a bit, the Tropic Marin guy would of been perfect for this! Take his 2.5 gallon mixing bottle with the salt already in it brand new, dump out the coral water. Go through TSA. Go to Hudson news, buy bottle water, go to the bathrooms, run the bottle water under the hot water to warm it up. Mix water and salt, pour into bags, viola water for the flight! Now that wouldnt work well for fish, but that would work for nearly all coral. (Except 2.5 gallons of water from Hudson News would cost like $30!)

And Titus posted while I was typing this. yeah, vandalism is nothing you can really do about but complain. Sounds like this was checked baggage though, and not going through security with carry ons? TSA is under renewed scrutiny, but who really believes anything will be done?
I will say this, some of my frags from MACNA didn't make it even on the trip home after the raffle. Some were just poorly bagged as I got them at the end at fire sale prices so by the end of the raffle, they had no air in them, water leaking out, etc. and were bleached or had RTNed by the time I got home. The ones from ORA did great as they pumped pure 02 into the bags and carefully bagged them. Quite a few frags from Oculus did not make it either as I think they were bagged up really early and then bounced around.

In all honesty, I'm surprised that some of these frags and livestock survive considering they were chopped, bagged, and shipped to MACNA, thrown in whatever saltwater was handy, sat for 3 days under lights they are probably not normally under, probably not monitored in terms of Alk, Ca, Mg levels, and then bagged up again at the end of the three or four days they sat there. Our local vendors are probably better as they didn't have to fly or drive their stuff in from wherever and could bring their own water.
Well I didn't bring any frags. I did bring a ziplock bag of frozen Pasteles that my moms friend made. I carried them on and TSA wanted to see what they were. In case you are wondering what I'm talking about click here.

@MBSL55 wrote:
I will say this said:
You are right on the money about how badly a lot of the livestock is badly stressed. As you stated a lot of is shipped in from a wholesaler, put into a tank, removed from that tank, shipped to MACNA, put into new water systems that is just setup, poked at for a couple of days, bagged back up, taken to personal tanks and then put into a different water system.
As you said the stuff that is sold from local guys or ones not very far and have had the coral in their tank for awhile and is encrusted would be hardier. As well ORA stuff.