Rainbow Stylophora Help


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Hello Fellow Reefers,
I could use some help. Recently my Rainbow Stylophora is starting to look pretty rough, and there are patches of missing polys (if that's what they are called) white died spots . Looking like a dog with mange. My question is what should I be doing, and what should I be looking for or at? One other burning question, once the SPS losses a spot, or a section on it dies, will i be like that forever, or can it regain/regrow in that voided spot.

My current water parameters are as followed;
NH3 = 0
Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = 40
Phosphate = .166 ppm (Felt like this was high, so I completed a water change)
Alkalinity = 10.246 dKH
Calcium = 375
Magnesium = 1340
Salinity = 1.026 d SG
PH = 8.10

Note - I performed a water change last night, so I will have to retest later today to see if any of the parameters changes.

I also have an Elegance Coral that is not looking to hot either. All other corals are looking fine.