Q: how to feed phytoplankton - Methodology of using phytoplankton

[Hi -

Now, let's say that I have a phytoplankton farm as detailed on Marc's page. Now comes the question of how to use the stuff...

Here are some of my naive theories:

1.) Turkey baster the stuff directly over the corals with the return pump/powerheads off.

2.) Turn off the protein skimmer and put a HUGE (1/4 cup per gallon) amount in the entire tank. Repeat method twice a week.

3.) Leave all systems running (including protein skimmer) and put the same huge amount in the tank.

4.) None of the above.

Any experiences would be very much appreciated.]
[I feed phytoplankton to both of my tank. I started recently again. I mainly feed because of my clams - but believe that phytoplankton benefit many organisms in water.

I am starting 1 cup per tank. DT says 1 tablespoon per 10 gallons or something like that. Since I farm my own phytoplankton - and I have no idea how concentrated compared to DT.

You should start with a small amount, and gradually build up. Too much food at once may cause imblance with you tank.]
[Hi Peter -

How often do you put 1 cup in your tanks?
Do you shut off any return pumps for a period of time after feeding?
Do you shut off any protein skimmers?]
[I feed one cup once a day, in the evening. During feedback, I turn the skimmer off for one hour. My skimmer is hook up to a mechanical timer that has a on switch (red plastic thing). Depending on when I feed, I move the red plastic on switch one hour after. That way the skimmer will be turned on.

I do not turn off any pump.]
[I feed Phytoplankton to my tanks every other day.

1 cup to my 29g, 2 cups to my 55g. The skimmer is off for one hour, and everything else is running.

I used to use DT's Live Phytoplankton, but buying a bottle every month (the biggest bottle) got pretty expensive to me. Of course, I only needed a tablespoon for the 29g, and 2 tbsp for the 55g, but it was over $30 a month in food. So I grow my own.

I'm about to start a new culture, because I kinda let this one get away from me and want to start with a pure batch again. It'll come in next week.]