Plumbing a Nano into existing DT

I have a 175 gallon red sea 650. I recently purchased a 6 gallon nano to plumb into the existing plumbing. I have a mag 18 that supplies the chiller and biopellet reactor that i will tee off to the nano. The nano will drain into a filter sock inside the sump. I am almost finished. What do I need to do to make sure that all of the bad stuff is cleaned out of the nano and plumbing before circulating it with my main display tank? I don't want to kill anything. My plan is to let it run independent for a few hours with ROdi and pro aquatics ACCR ammonia, chlorine remover. Is there anything else I need to do to make sure the tank is as clean as possible before turning it loose with my dt? Or am I just being paranoid?


That Mag 18 is way overkill for what you are doing. The chiller needs 500gph (usually, check the mfg's specs), and the biopellet reactor the same (perhaps, depending on the size of the reactor). You could probably use a Mag 9.5 to do the same thing, and cut the power consumption in half and quit adding that heat to the system that the chiller is required to suck out (not to mention the heat the chiller gives off in your room).

If the Nano is new, vinegar and water is all you need to clean it up. Your new plumbing that you glue together should cure for 12-24 hours before you run any water through the pipes, which will avoid any toxicity to your livestock. When you are ready to turn it on, hook up a reactor with well-rinsed granulated activated carbon (1/2 cup per 50g of water) to pull out any toxins for additional safety.
@Marc wrote:
That Mag 18 is way overkill for what you are doing. The chiller needs 500gph (usually said:
We have a mag9.5 that we use to mix our water. You think the chiller, pellet reactor, and nano with 5 feet of head will be fine with the 9.5? The 18 does produce a ton of heat I just bought it because I wanted to make sure that I had plenty of room for expansion.

You can try out your 9.5 and see how it works out. Keep in mind that your plumbing diameter needs to be bigger for Mag pumps. The Mag 9.5 has a 3/4" threaded fitting, but you can use 1.5" plumbing to get all the rated flow. Why would your chiller and reactor have 5' head pressure? Both are on the floor level.

The Mag 18" has a 1" threaded fitting, and can use 2" plumbing for maximum flow as rated.
Shouldn't be a problem, but if you can post a picture that would help immensely.
One more question about cleaning with vinegar and water. Should I set the tank up and let it run on its own with a vinegar and water solution or do I just need to wipe out the tank with the solution?

Thanks for y'all's help.

I'd just wipe it with vinegar and water. I used a water spray bottle and mixed the two together to wipe clean. Once completed, then you'll be ready for water.

Thanks. That's pretty much what i did. My next step is to cement the drain hose to the bulkhead at the bottom. Then ill be ready for the final leak test with all plumbing attached to a pump in a bucket. I don't trust my plumbing job. :)

We are really wanting to get this running with our dt tomorrow.
